Giacomo Loperfido

  • Loperfido G., (R&R status) “L’Espace du Fascisme. Fragmentation Sociale, Transformations du Politique, Ontologisation de l’Autre” Terrain, Anthropologie et Sciences Humaines
  • Loperfido G., (2021 forthcoming) “Tribes” of (dis)-engagement? “Community Engagement” Between Primitivism and Traditionalism Among “The Whites of South Africa”. In, Minkley, Gary, Helena Pohlandt McCormick (eds), Community Engagement. Johannesburg: Wits University Press, pp. 61-79.
  • Loperfido G. (ed.), (2021 forthcoming). Today’s Extremism. Structural Dynamics and the Resurfacing of Marginal Critique. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  • Loperfido G. (2021 forthcoming). “Introduction. The Poisoned Fruit of Civilization?”, Today’s Extremism. Structural Dynamics and the Resurfacing of Marginal Critique. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  • Loperfido G., (2021 forthcoming). “The Empire and the Barbarians. Cosmological Laceration and the Social Establishment of Extremism”. In Today’s Extremism. Crisis, Radicalization, and the Conundrum of the Centre and the Extremes. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  • Loperfido G., Pusceddu A.M. and Narotzky, S. (eds.) (2021 forthcoming). “Special Issue: The everyday state: Politics and livelihoods in Austerity Europe”, Antropologia.
  • Loperfido G. and Vetta, T. (2021 forthcoming). “More state or less state: diverging claims in an Italian and Greek region”, Antropologia
  • Loperfido G. (2020) “The Entrepreneur’s Other: Small Entrepreneurial Identity and the Collapse of Life Structures in the ‘Third Italy'”.  In Narotzky S.(ed.)  Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe. London: Pluto Press, pp.173-191
  • Loperfido G. and Pusceddu, A.M. (2019) “Unevenness and deservingness: regional differentiation in contemporary Italy”. Dialectical Anthropology, 43(4): 417-436
  • Loperfido G. (2018). “What Can Anthropology Say About Populism?” Anthropology News.
  • Loperfido, G. (2018) “‘Neither left nor right’: Crisis, wane of politics, and the struggles for sovereignty”, in Don Kalb, Mao Mollona (eds), “Worldwide Mobilisations”. NY/Oxford: Berghahn Book
  • Loperfido, Giacomo (2014) “‘Neither left nor right’: Crisis, wane of politics, and the struggles for sovereignty,” FocaalBlog, November 7