

  • Bofill, S. (2021 forthcoming). “Joint struggle for care and social reproduction in Spain: contested boundaries and solidarities”, in Pine, F. & H. Haukanes (eds.), Gender, reproduction, regulation: gender, intimacy and mobility in the era of hardening borders. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Bofill, S. y Aramburu, M. (2020), “Introducción. Concepciones populares de la injusticia ante la crisis”, in Aramburu, M. & S. Bofill (eds.), Crisis y sentidos de injusticia: tensiones conceptuales y aproximaciones etnográficas. Barcelona: Publicacions Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Bofill, S. (2018), “Changing moralities: rethinking elderly care in Spain”, The Australian Journal of Anthropology. Special Issue: Moralities of Care in Later Life: Autonomy, Reliance and Resistance.
  • Bofill, S. (2018), “Crisis of care, migrant women and social reproduction in Spain: conflicts of law and economic crisis”, Irish Journal of Anthropology, Vol.21: 35-42.
  • Bofill, S. (2017) “Otro trabajo del hogar es posible: procesos de lucha por el reconocimiento y dignificación de los cuidados en tiempos de crisis”, Quaderns-e, ICA 22 (2) pp. 133-149.


  • Homs, P. and Martínez, B. (2021 forthcoming) “Dignity and just prices. The moral economy of farming on the age of agro-industry”. Disparidades. Revista de Antropología ISSN: 2659-6881
  • Homs, P. (2020) “Austerity, social values and value: the social economy and entrepreneurship in Catalonia.”  In Narotzky S.(ed.)  Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe. London: Pluto Press, pp. 92-110
  • Homs, P.; Flores-Pons, G. y Martín Mayor, A. (2020). “Sustainining caring livelihoods: Agro-ecological cooperativism in Catalonia”, in Nelson, A. & F. Edwards. (eds), Food for Degrowth. London: Routledge.
  • Homs, P. (2019) (Des)encuentros entre las instituciones y la economía social y solidaria en Cataluña.  Revista de Antropología Social. Special Issue: Economía social y solidaria y economías populares en un contexto de crisis financiera  pp: 227-246 ISNN: 1131-558X
  • Homs, P. y Narotzky, S. (2019) Within and beyond the market system. A case of organic food cooperatives in Catalonia. En: Food Values in Europe: Economies, Ideologies, and Power in Practice. Siniscalchi, V. and Harper, K (eds)   132-146  Bloomsbury ISBN:    9781350084773
  • Homs, P., Sarkis, D., Álquezar, R. y Morelló, N. (2019) “Cooperative practices: survival strategies, “alternative” movements or capitalism re-embedding?En: Reciprocity in Times of Crisis. Simonic, P. (ed.) 57-69 University of Lubijana Press, Zupanic’s Collection,ISBN:   1855-671X
  • Martín-Mayor, A., Flores-Pons, G., Homs, P. y Espelt, R. (2018) «Eines per a repensar el cooperativisme agroecològic”. En: Cooperativisme i agroecologia a la ciutat de Barcelona. Espelt i Vega (eds.)  136-154 Editorial Comanegra
  • Homs, P., (2014) “Más allá del dualismo explotación/conservación en las cooperativas de consumo ecológico”, Actas del XIII Congreso de Antropología de la Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español. Periferias, Fronteras y Diálogos, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona
  • Homs, P., (2014) “Sistemas de regulación de alimentos ecológicos. Procesos de despolitización”, Actas del XIII Congreso de Antropología de la Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español. Periferias, Fronteras y Diálogos, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona
  • Alquézar, R., Homs, P., Morelló, N. and Sarkis, D., (2014) “Prácticas cooperativas: Estrategias de superviviencia, movimientos “alternativos” o reincrustación capitalista?”, Ars & Humanitas nº VIII/1, 151-166


  • Lafazani, Olga (2015) “Encountering the ‘Stranger’. Migration, Borders, Urban Space”. In Urban Conflicts, Collective Volume, Thessaloniki: Aristoteleion Univesrity [In Greek], pp.332-341
  • Lafazani, Olga, and Georgios Maniatis (2014) Krise, Migration, Rassismus und antirassistische Kämpfe in Griechenland nach den Memoranden. In Grenzregime II. Migration – Kontrolle – Wissen. Transnationale Perspektiven. S. Hess, L.-M. Heimeshoff, S. Kron, H. Schwenken, and M. Trzeciak, eds. Germany: Assoziation A. Lafazani Olga [In German], pp.112-128


  • Loperfido, G.; Pusceddu A. and Narotzky, S. (eds.) (2021 forthcoming). “Special Issue: The everyday state: Politics and livelihoods in Austerity Europe”, Antropologia.
  • Loperfido, G. and Vetta, T. (2021 forthcoming). “More state or less state: diverging claims in an Italian and Greek region”, Antropologia
  • Loperfido, G. and Pusceddu, A.M. (2019) “Unevenness and deservingness: regional differentiation in contemporary Italy”. Dialectical Anthropology, 43(4): 417-436


  • Matos, P. (2020) Disciplined Agency. Neoliberal precarity, generational dispossession and call centre labour in Portugal. Manchester: Manchester University Press, ISBN: 978-1-5261-3498-1
  • Matos, P. (2020) “Austerity Welfare and the Moral Significance of Needs in Portugal”. In Grassroots Economies, 113-130. London: Pluto Press.
  • Matos, P. (2020) and Sarkis, D. “The Body Politics of Austerity in Portugal and Spain: women, agency and dispossession”. In Grassroots Economies, 192-213. London: Pluto Press.
  • Matos, P. (2019). “Locating precarization: the state, livelihoods and the politics of precarity in contemporary Portugal”. Dialectical Anthropology, 43(1): 15-30
  • Matos, P. (2018), “Precarity, gender capital, and structures of (dis) empowerment in the neoliberal service economy” in Megha Amrith and Nina Sahraoui (eds), Gender, Work and Migration: Agency in Gendered Labour Settings, pp. 158-174London: Routledge
  • Matos, P. (monograph contract signed in October 2017) Disciplined Agency. Precarity and Dispossession in the Neoliberal Service Economy. Manchester University Press
  • Matos, Patrícia (2016) “Gender commodification and precarity in Portuguese call centres: the (re)production of inequality” in Déjà Lu by World Council Anthropological Associations, 4. Invited reprint by the editorial board of Etnográfica. Article selected to represent the journal in 2014.


  • Narotzky, S. (forthcoming) “The Janus face of austerity politics: autonomy and dependence in contemporary Spain.” Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology
  • Narotzky, S. (forthcoming) “The politics of evidence in an uncertain world: experience, knowledge, social facts and factual truth”, Disparidades. Revista de Antropología
  • Narotzky, S.; Matos, P.; Pusceddu, A.M. (2020) “Valuation struggles: Rethinking the economy in times of crisis” interview by Corinne Schwaller, Gerhild Perl, Janina Kehr for Tsantsa. Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association Vol.25: 182–193
  • Narotzky, S. (ed.) (2020) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press
  • Narotzky, S. (2020) “Introduction: Grassroots Economics in Europe.” In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press
  • Narotzky, S.; Pusceddu, A. (2020) “Social reproduction in times of crisis: inter-generational tensions in southern Europe.” In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press
  • Narotzky, S. (2019) “Populism’s claims: The struggle between privilege and equality” in Bruce Kapferer & Dimitrios Theodossopoulos (eds.) Democracy’s paradox: Populism and its Contemporary Crisis, Oxford: Berghahn, pp.97-121
  • Narotzky, S. (2019) “Austerity lives in Southern Europe: Experience, knowledge, evidence and social facts”, in Jillian Cavanaugh & Karen Ho (eds.) Vital Topics Forum: What happened to social facts? American Anthropologist, Vol. 121(1):187-193

  • Homs, P. & Narotzky, S. (2019) “Within and beyond the market system. A case of organic food cooperatives in Catalonia”. In Krista Harper & Valeria Siniscalchi (eds) Food Values in Europe: Economies, Ideologies, and Power in Practice. London: Bloomsbury
  • Besnier, N. & Narotzky, S. (2019) “Epilogue. Indeterminacy : Between Worth and Worthlessness” in Catherine Alexander and Andrew Sanchez (eds.) Waste, Value, and the Imagination. Oxford: Berghahn, pp.181-193

  • Narotzky, S. (2018) “Rethinking the concept of labour”, Special Issue on Labour, Penny Harvey and Christian Krohn-Hansen (eds), Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Vol.24 (S1):29-43
  • Narotzky, S. (2017) “Librando la batalla por la ideología: contra la hegemonía de la forma” in Palenzuela, P. (ed) Antropología y compromiso, Barcelona: Icaria. [Spanish translation of “On Waging the Ideological War: Against the Hegemony of Form” Anthropological Theory, Vol. 16(2-3): 263-284]
  • Narotzky, S. and Goddard, V. (Eds.) (2017) Work and Livelihoods – History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis, New York: Routledge, Society for the Anthropology of Work book prize 2017
  • Narotzky, S. (2015) “The Payoff of Love and the Traffic of Favours: Reciprocity, Social Capital, and the Blurring of Value Realms in Flexible Capitalism” in Kjaerulff, Jens (Ed.) Flexible Capitalism. Exchange and Ambiguity at Work, Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp.268-31
  • Narotzky, S. (2013) “Moral outrage and political mobilization: reactions to austerity measures and the economic crisis”, Suomen Antropologi, Vol. 38 (4): 43-47


  • Palomera, J. (2020) “Family, Housing as an Asset, and the Production of Welfare” in Narotzky, S. (Ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press, pp.131-142
  • Vetta, T. and Palomera, J. (2020) “Concrete Stories in Southern Europe: Financialisation and Inequality in the Construction Chain”. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. pp. 888-907.
  • Palomera, J. (2018, forthcoming) “Austerity Wars. The crisis of financialization and the struggle for democracy”. In Rakopoulos T. (Ed.) The Global Life of Austerity Comparing Beyond Europe. New York: Berghahn Books.
  • Palomera, J. & Vetta, Th (2016) “Moral economy: Rethinking a radical concept”, Anthropological Theory Vol.16(4): 413 – 432.
  • Palomera, J. & Vetta, Th. (eds.) (2016) Special Issue: Moral Economy in Crisis. Anthropological Theory. 16(4).


  • Pusceddu, A.M. and Matos, P. (forthcoming) “Austerity, the state and common sense in Europe: A comparative perspective on Italy and Portugal”Anthropological Theory
  • Pusceddu, A.M. (2020) “Stato, volontariato e carità: Concezioni e pratiche redistributive in una città del Mezzogiorno”, Antropologia, Vol. 7, n. 2, pp. 156-174.
  • Pusceddu, A.M. (2020, forthcoming). “A matter of class? Environmental conflict and the vernacular politics of the commons”, in Ortu, C. & F. Bachis (eds.), Languaging class. Delaware: Vernon Press.
  • Pusceddu, A.M. (2020). “Work, wage and subsidy: Making a living between regulation and informalization”, in Narotzky S. (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press.
  • Pusceddu, A.M. (2020),  “The Moral Economy of Charity: Advice and Redistribution in Italian Caritas Welfare Bureaucracy,” in The state of the welfare state: advice, governance and care in settings of austerity, special issue edited by Deborah James and Insa Koch, Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology. DOI: 10.1080/00141844.2019.1687538
  • Loperfido, G. and Pusceddu, A.M. (2019) “Unevenness and deservingness: regional differentiation in contemporary Italy”. Dialectical Anthropology, 43(4): 417-436
  • Pusceddu, A.M. (2017), «Antropologia del lavoro e della crisi in Italia e altrove», Anuac. journal of the Italian society for cultural anthropology, 6: 2, pp. 289-298 Pusceddu, A.M. [Review essay]. (2017) «To work or not to work: In/formalization practices in the Italian public sector», In/formalization, forum edited by Alan Smart, Josephine Smart, Filippo M. Zerilli, Anuac. journal of the Italian society for cultural anthropology, 6: 2, pp. 85-89
  • Pusceddu, A.M. [Review essay]. (2017) «To work or not to work: In/formalization practices in the Italian public sector», In/formalization, forum edited by Alan Smart, Josephine Smart, Filippo M. Zerilli, Anuac. journal of the Italian society for cultural anthropology, 6: 2, pp. 85-89


  • Sarkis, D. and Matos, P. (2020). “The Body Politics of Austerity: women, agency and work in Portugal and Spain”, pp.192-213 in S. Narotzky (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe. New York: Pluto Press.
  • Sarkis, D. and Amarianakis, S. (2020). “Austerity from below: Class, temporality and scale in grassroots analysis of Crisis”, pp.214-237 in S. Narotzky (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe. New York: Pluto Press
  • Sarkis Fernández, D. (submitted under review) “Between subsidiarization and taxation: (unemployed) daily workers in Velez-Málaga (Spain)”, in Arqueros, F. & Matos, P. Unemployment in the Age of Austerity: Livelihoods, ideology and politics, Berghahn Books: New York
  • Sarkis Fernández, D., Homs, P., Alquézar, R. And Morelló, N. (2018) “Cooperative practices: survival strategies, ‘alternative’ movements or capitalism reembedding?” in Simonic, P. (ed.) Reciprocity in Times of Crisis, Zupanic’s Collection, Ljubljana : University of Ljubljana Press
  • Sarkis Fernández, D. (2018) “‘Muerta a trabajar’: Consideraciones feministas sobre la crisis (de la reproducción social) en Vélez-Málaga (España)”, Revista Andaluza de Antropología, n.14, online
  • Sarkis Fernández, D., Homs, P., Alquézar, R. and Morelló, N. (forthcoming 2016) “Cooperative practices: survival strategies, “alternative” movements or capitalism reembedding?”, in P.Simonic (ed.) Reciprocity in Times of Crisis , Zupanic’s Collection, University of Lubijana Press, Lubijana


  • Vetta, Theodora (2021 forthcoming). “Merecimiento y judicialización del impago hipotecario en Grecia”, in Aramburu, M. & S. Bofill (eds.), Sentidos de injusticia, sentidos de crisis: tensiones conceptuales y aproximaciones Etnográficas. Barcelona: Editorial Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Vetta, Theodora (2020). “Bondage unemployment and intra-class tensions in Greek energy restructuring”, in S. Narotzky (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, pp.25-48.  London: Pluto Press.
  • Vetta, Theodora & Jaime Palomera (2020) “Concrete Stories in Southern Europe: Financialisation and Inequality in the Construction Chain”. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. pp. 888-907.
  • Vetta, Theodora (2019) Democracy Struggles: NGOs and the Politics of Aid in Serbia. New York: Berghahn Books
  • Vetta, Theodora (2017) The Habits of the Heart: Grassroots “Revitalization” and State Transformations in Serbia. In Lashaw, A., Sampson, S., and Vannier, C. (eds.) Cultures of Doing Good: Anthropologists and NGOs. University of Alabama Press
  • Vetta, Theodora & Jaime Palomera (eds).  (2016). Editors of special issue Moral Economy in Crisis. Anthropological Theory
  • Palomera, J. & Vetta, Theodora (2016). “The Radical Foundations of Moral Economy”. Special Issue: Moral Economy in Crisis. Anthropological Theory 16 (4), pp. 413 – 432
  • Vetta, Theodora (2016) “The Habits of the Heart: Grassroots “Revitalization” and State Transformations in Serbia”. In Lashaw, A., Sampson, S., and Vannier, C. (eds.) Cultures of Doing Good: Anthropologists and NGOs. University of Alabama Press.