Instead of promises, instead of thanking you

From the first interview of the new Minister of Economy , Yanis Varoufakis:

A few days before the elections I was interviewed by a journalist from Spain who was accompanied, as usual, by a Greek assistant.

During the interview the assistant didn’t say anything but was listening very carefully.

After the end of the discussion, he stood up, grabbed both my hands and started talking in greek. His eyes were red and his voice was trembling while he was explaining to me that he was homeless, an ex professor of foreign languages, that he lost everything and he tries all the time not to “look” homeless. He visits his child only once a week that he has the chance to wash himself on a shelter and he is always trying to find at least a days work. His last words were “I don’t ask you to do something for me, now I am finished. I ask you to do something for the ones that haven’t yet fallen in the cracks of this society like me.”

Later on, as I will be going into the ministry of economics these words will be on my mind. Not spreads, not depts, neither already signed agreements. These words will be in my mind…

Source (Greek)