“Moments” from the new Greek Goverment

To celebrate his election in the parliament, the known economist Kostas Lapavitsas is singing the song of the National Liberation Front (EAM), a very strong and symbolic song for the Left in Greece since the civil war.

Alexis Tsipras, right after he is appointed as a prime minister of the country and before arriving in Maximou (the prime minister’s office) to announce the new government visits the Skopeytirio in Kaisariani where 200 communists were executed by the German authorities in 1944.

Φόρος τιμής του Αλέξη Τσίπρα στο Σκοπευτήριο της Καισαριανή

Also Tsipras is the first prime minister in Greece to give a political —and not religious— oath during his appointment. The same thing did the rest of the members of the new government —apart from 9 members coming from the party of ANEL.

Today [Wednesday, January 28] different ministers are announcing their program, talking about changing the health system, taxation, raising pensions and salaries, stopping privatizations in some sectors, giving citizenship to migrant’s children. They also made particular references to some strong labor and social struggles that -according to the announcements- will be justified, like the strike of the cleaners who were fired from the ministry of finance and the struggle of people in Halkidiki, in Northern Greece, against the investments of Eldorado Gold that would ruin the environment in their cities.)

 Olga Lafazani