Lafazani, Olga

lafaz Researcher, PhD (2014-2016)

Olga Lafazani studied Economic and Regional Development in Panteion University, Athens and her MA was on Urban and Regional Planning in the department of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens. Since 2010 she was a PhD scholar in the programme “Heraclitus II”. Her PhD thesis on “Transnational Geographies of Migration: Negotiations of Borders and Boundaries” was completed in 2014, in the Department of Geography, Harokopio University.

Olga has worked in several research projects such as Gemic (Gender Migration and Intercultural Interactions in the Mediterranean and South East Europe: an interdisciplinary perspective, Fp7, ),  Contemporary Greek Cultural Landscapes”(Harokopio University, Department of Geography, funded by Latsis Foundation,, Mignet (Transnational Digital Networks, migration and gender, Fp7,  and her academic interests evolve around migration, borders/boundaries, gender, space/place.

Olga’s publications include:

“The border between theory and activism” in Acme 11(02):189-193 (2012), “Illegalisation, Discipline, Resistance. Detention Centers in the Era of Crisis.” in Chronos 01 (2013), “A Border within a Border: The Migrants’ Squatter Settlement in Patras as a Heterotopia.” In Journal of Borderlands Studies 28(1):1-13 (2013), “Crisis, Migration, Racism and Antiracist Struggles”, co-authored with G.Maniatis, in L.-M. Heimeshoff, S. Hess, S. Kron, H. Schwenken, M. Trzeciak (eds), Grenzregime II: Migration – Kontrolle – Wissen. Transnationale Perspektiven (2014).
