García Sepúlveda, Gerardo Enrique

Gerardo Enrique García Sepúlveda studied Economics at the University of Guadalajara (México) and received his PhD in Social Sciences at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS). During his doctoral studies he was hosted by GRECO at Universitat de Barcelona under the mentorship of Prof. Susana Narotzky. Enrique’s doctoral thesis deals with the different moralities that people associate with the dynamics and mobility of money, in particular, spending, savings and investments in daily life. His work reveals disputes around monetary flows as well as the real and perceived inequalities that they involve.

Enrique has worked in the private and public sectors. He has also collaborated with non-governmental organizations promoting community development projects. He participated with Dr. Magdalena Villarreal in a research project addressing the financial effects of social policies of financial inclusion. Currently, he organizes the IMTFI-CIESAS Permanent Seminar on Economics and Finance from an Anthropological Perspective together with Dr. Villarreal and teaches Economic Theory at the University of Guadalajara.

His publications include:

  • García Sepúlveda, G. E. (2017). Valoraciones y significaciones acerca del movimiento del dinero en una economía de consumo local. Civitas, 17(1), 79-95.
  • García Sepúlveda, G. E. (2014). Ahorro no monetario, consumo y supervivencia social. Zapopan, Jalisco: El Colegio de Jalisco, A.C.
  • García Sepúlveda, G. E. y Pérez, E. (2012). ¿Oasis o espejismo? Consumo de recursos digitales y supervivencia social de cinco unidades domésticas en Zapopan, Jalisco. In Ramírez, David (Ed.). El nexo inclusión marginación en la era digital (pp. 181-206). Guadalajara, Jalisco: Universidad de Guadalajara-Sistema de Universidad Virtual.