Panels and Papers by GRECO team members Nov. 2013 – Dec. 2014



  • Narotzky, S. (2013) Presidential Roundtable session “Making Sense of Contemporary Capitalism: Theoretical and Ethnographic Reflections from the Multiple Vantage Points of World Anthropologies”, 112th AAA Annual Meetings, Chicago, 20-24 November 2013


  • Palomera, Jaime (2013) Discussant. “Fieldwork engagements in contemporary European societies and spaces: culture, crisis, and change”. American Anthropological Association 112th Annual Meeting, Chicago, 20-24 November


  • Palomera, Jaime (2013) Paper. “Imploding Industries and Financialized Homes”, American Anthropological Association 112th Annual Meeting, Chicago, 20-24 November



  • Loperfido, G. (2014) “Monsters, or The Topologies of Academic Morality”, Panel’s title: “Writing the Right: Ethics, Empathy, and the ethnography of Radical Political Others”, 113th AAA Annual Meetings, Washington, 3-7 December 2014


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Discussant, “Reframing Europe's South: Anthropologies Across ‘P.I.G.S.’”, 113th AAA Annual Meetings, Washington, 3-7 December 2014


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Roundtable participant, “What is (to be) done? towards an anthropological analysis of the vicissitudes in global capitalism and what they may lead to” 113th AAA Annual Meetings, Washington, 3-7 December 2014
  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Organizer, Executive Session, “Lights and shadows of international collaborative research”, 113th AAA Annual Meetings, Washington, 3-7 December 2014


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Invited speaker, “Crisis and Livelihoods in the European South”, Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE) Luncheon Roundtable, 113th AAA Annual Meetings, Washington, 3-7 December 2014


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Keynote Plenary “Economías ordinarias, valores escondidos. Otra antropología de la crisis desde el sur de Europa”, III Congreso Mexicano de Antropología Social y Etnología, México DF, September 25, 2014


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Invited Roundtable participant, “Ética profesional en el ejercicio de la práctica antropológica”, III Congreso Mexicano de Antropología Social y Etnología, México DF, September 24-26, 2014


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) (with Niko Besnier) Co-organizer of panel “Innovation and continuity in times of uncertainty” EASA Biennial conference Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution – innovation and continuity in an interconnected world, Tallinn, Estonia, 31 July-3 August


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Discussant in panel “Forced collaborations: collective responsibility and unequal sacrifice in a Europe in crisis”, EASA Biennial conference Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution – innovation and continuity in an interconnected world, Tallinn, Estonia, 31 July-3 August


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) “Doing collective research in a EU funded project: coordination, sharing fieldwork data and thinking together”, Colloque Enquêtes Collectives en Sciences Sociales, Organized by Gilles Laferté and Nicolas Renahy (INRA), Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Dijon, 25-27 June


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Discussant, Seminar « Modes de gouvernement et pratiques économiques ordinaires », Organizers: Stéphane Beaud (CMH- ETT), Benoît de l’Estoile (FD, IRIS), Florence Weber (ENS, DSS), Foljuif, June 23-24


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Chair and discussant “Poverty, precarity and the global circulation of hope”, AISSR, University of Amsterdam, May 26-28 2014


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) (with Niko Besnier) Co-organizer of panel “Crisis as ongoing reality: Perspectives from different anthropological locations”, panel co-sponsored by Committee of World Anthropology-American Anthropological Association and European Association of Social Anthropologists, IUAES-JASCA , 15th to 18th May 2014, Tokio


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Invited presentation “Political activism or forced necessity: alternative provisioning and the moral turn”, panel “Urban Futures”, co-sponsored by World Council of Anthropological Associations, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Societies and Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology, IUAES-JASCA, 15th to 18th May 2014, Tokio


  • Narotzky, S. (2014) Invited contribution “Political invisibilities and marginal mobilization: mistrust of neoliberal democracy and a claim for the common good”, Roundtable “Political In/Visibilities”, American Ethnological Society, Boston, April 12 2014


  • Palomera, J. (2014). Paper. “The urban poor and the real estate-finance complex in Spain”. International Seminar: The Real Estate/Financial Complex, 20-22 August, KU Leuven/University of Leuven


  • Palomera, J., Vetta, Th. (2014). Paper. “Producing peripheries: the Southern European crisis in historical perspective”. 14th EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) Biennal Conference, 31 July-3 August, Tallinn


  • Palomera, J., Vetta, Th., Spyridakis, M. (2014) Panel organizers. “Forced collaborations: collective responsibility and unequal sacrifice in a Europe in crisis”. 14th EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) Biennal Conference, 31 July – 3 August, Tallinn


  • Palomera, J., Vetta, Th. (2014) Paper. “The morals in the models: Southern Europe in historical perspective”. ASA (Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK & Commonwealth) Conference, 19-22 June, Edinburgh


  • Palomera, J., Vetta, Th. (2014) Panel organizers. “Linking the moral and the political economy in the European periphery”. ASA (Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK & Commonwealth) Conference, 19-22 June, Edinburgh


  • Palomera, J. (2015) Paper. “The Moral Economies of the Spanish Financial Collapse”. American Anthropological Association 114th Annual Meeting, 18- 22 November, Denver (USA).


  • Palomera, J. (2015) Paper. “The moral economies of the household and the neighborhood in the era of financialization: A multi-scalar approach to the Spanish boom-and- bust”. International Conference: The Quest for the Good Life in Precarious Times / Grassroots perspectives on value in the 21st century. University of Manchester, 24-26 March, Manchester (UK).


  • Sarkis Fernández, D., Reigada, A. and Rosés, M. (2014) Panel organizer. “Sostener la vida, sostener la tierra, sostener el crecimiento": controversias de las economías agrarias en la era de la globalización, XIII Anthropology Meeting (FAAEE, Federation of Spanish Anthropological Associations) Tarragona, 2-5 September 2014


  • Vetta, Th.; Lafazani, O.; Amarianakis, S. (2014) Invited presentation: “Locating Dispossession: Privatization, Finacialization, Populism in Greece”. Workshop The Economic and the Political: Locating the Greek Crisis within History and Anthropology. Convenors: Dr Elisabeth Kirtsoglou and Dr Daniel M. Knight (Department of Anthropology, Durham University) 19-21 December