Ybarra, Josep-Antoni

Post ImageJosep-Antoni Ybarra holds a PhD in Economy from the Universidad de Alicante (Spain), where he is a professor in Political Economy since 1978. He has been a visiting professor at the universities of Bologna, Modena and Florence (Italy), Princeton and John Hopkins (USA), the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (México), and the École des Mines (Paris). He has worked extensively around topics related to the world of labor and the organization of small firms. He is an expert in informal economy, local development and industrial districts. Outside the academic sphere, he has been a consultant for the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores) in issues of local and territorial development for Central America. Besides, he has participated in development programs (on issues such as industry, territory and labor) for institutions like the European Union, the ILO and the OECD). He is the author of “Industrial Districts in Spain” (2009) in Handbook of Industrial Districts, Becattini, G. et al. (Eds), Cheltenham: Edgard Elgar; La Méditerranée Economique (1992), Paris: Economica; “Las pymes en el desarrollo local valenciano” (2007), “La innovación en la industria valenciana” (2006), among others.