
Invited presentation “Broken trust: When those that cared for our savings did not care for us”, University of Leiden, July 4-5, Leiden

Invited presentation “Broken trust: When those that cared for our savings did not care for us”, University of Leiden, July 4-5, Leiden

Narotzky, S. (2019) Invited presentation “Broken trust: When those that cared for our savings did not care for us”, International Conference, “Moralising Misfortune: Anthropological Perspectives on Finance, Care, and Morality”, University of Leiden, July 4-5, Leiden. This international conference examines how financial services and products shape care and morality. How does finance give rise to(…)

“Evidence Struggles: Legality, Legitimacy, and Social Mobilizations in the Catalan Political Conflict”, Hamburg Institute for Social Research, June 26, Hamburg.

“Evidence Struggles: Legality, Legitimacy, and Social Mobilizations in the Catalan Political Conflict”, Hamburg Institute for Social Research, June 26, Hamburg.

Narotzky, S. June 26th 2019, Distinguished Lecture, “Evidence Struggles: Legality, Legitimacy, and Social Mobilizations in the Catalan Political Conflict”, Hamburg Institute for Social Research, Hamburg.   Different kinds of evidence are put forward to make an argument and justify political action by agents situated in diverse social, cultural, and power positions. The Catalan political conflict(…)

“Trustful investors: the effects of finance strategies on life savings during the crisis”, Instituto de Ciências Sociais – Universidade de Lisboa, May 17, Lisbon.

“Trustful investors: the effects of finance strategies on life savings during the crisis”, Instituto de Ciências Sociais – Universidade de Lisboa, May 17, Lisbon.

Narotzky, S. May 17th 2019, Invited Seminar, “Trustful investors: the effects of finance strategies on life savings during the crisis”, Instituto de Ciências Sociais – Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon.  

Distinguished Lecture “The Pensioner’s Dilemma: Generations, Class, and Inequality in Southern Europe”, New York, 25 February 2019

Distinguished Lecture “The Pensioner’s Dilemma: Generations, Class, and Inequality in Southern Europe”, New York, 25 February 2019

The current crisis in Europe creates new practices and understandings of inter-generational dependencies reaching beyond the intimacy of the home to the reproduction of society as a whole. This talk addresses how older and younger men and women have seen their expectations of stability and wellbeing shattered. In a social context that promotes the entrepreneurial(…)

15th EASA Biennial Conference, 14-17 August 2018 – Stockholm, Sweden

15th EASA Biennial Conference, 14-17 August 2018 – Stockholm, Sweden

Leidereiter, C. (2018), Paper, “Presumed guilty until proven innocent: legitimising the criminalisation of livelihood under austerity” Loperfido, G. & Vetta, Th. (2018), paper, “Public and private economies : ideologies in crisis” Matos, P. (2018) “Austerity before austerity: grassroots ethics of reproduction in the making of austerity regimes” Matos, P. (with Andreas Streinzer & Phaedra Douzina-Bakalaki)(…)

Conference “Grassroots economics: Meaning, project and practice in the pursuit of livelihood” Oñati, Gipuzkoa 23-27 June 2018

Conference “Grassroots economics: Meaning, project and practice in the pursuit of livelihood” Oñati, Gipuzkoa 23-27 June 2018

Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica, Oñati, Gipuzkoa, Narotzky, S. (org.) Narotzky, S. (2018) Presenter in Roundtable “Livelihoods, power, and economics: Grassroots insights for theory development” Bofill, Sílvia (2018) “Joint struggles for care in the context of crisis: (in)solidarities and moral community” Homs, Patricia (2018) “Resilient austerity: Cooperatives and entrepreneurship in Catalonia” Loperfido, Giacomo (2018) “Bankruptcy, or Life Failure? Entrepreneurialism and(…)

31/05-01/06/2018: Precarious States – Advice, governance and Care in Settings of Austerity

31/05-01/06/2018: Precarious States – Advice, governance and Care in Settings of Austerity

London School of Economics – Parish Hall basement (PAR.LG03) Houghton Street, London WC2A 31/05 10:00h – 16:00h 01/06 10:30h – 17:00h Two-day Workshop: “Precarious States – Advice, governance and Care in Settings of Austerity” Jaime Palomera (Universitat de Barcelona, Grassroots Economics [GRECO] ERC-Project) Antonio Maria Pusceddu (Universitat de Barcelona, Grassroots Economics [GRECO] ERC-Project) Giacomo Loperfido (Universitat de Barcelona,(…)