
EASA Anthropology of Economy Network Workshop, “Deservingness – power, morality and inequality in contemporary Europe and beyond”,  Vienna October 2017

EASA Anthropology of Economy Network Workshop, “Deservingness – power, morality and inequality in contemporary Europe and beyond”, Vienna October 2017

EASA Anthropology of Economy Network Workshop, “Deservingness – power, morality and inequality in contemporary Europe and beyond”, Andreas Streinzer and Jelena Tošic (orgs), University of Vienna. October 2017   Matos, P. (2017) Invited paper, “The politics of needs and rights: charity, deservingness and distribution in austerity Portugal”.   Vetta, Th. (2017) Invited paper, “Insolvency, Inequality(…)

29/09/2017: Taxation Inequality & Reciprocity

29/09/2017: Taxation Inequality & Reciprocity

Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales 09:00h – 18:00h Workshop: “Taxation Inequality & Reciprocity” Susana Narotzky (Universitat de Barcelona, Grassroots Economics [GRECO] ERC-Project) Download program here: Paris Workshop

XIV Congreso de Antropología, Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español, September 5-8, Valencia

XIV Congreso de Antropología, Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español, September 5-8, Valencia

Amarianakis, S. (2017) “Experiencias, Conocimientos y Explicaciones de la crisis en Chalkida, Grecia” (Grassroots Meanings and Understandings of Crisis in Chalkida, Greece)   Bofill, S. (2017), Paper, “La precarización laboral de las mujeres migrantes que cuidan en España como conflicto político y de derechos”   Leidereiter, C. (2017) Paper, “When Austerity Meets Conservation Law: Social(…)

International Urban Symposium. “The Informal and the Formal in Times of Crisis: Ethnographic Insights”, Corinth, Greece. July 2017

International Urban Symposium. “The Informal and the Formal in Times of Crisis: Ethnographic Insights”, Corinth, Greece. July 2017

International Urban Symposium. Bi-annual Event. University of the Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece. July 2017   Leidereiter, C. (2017) “Illegal Vegetables” and Informal Trading: Is Austerity Criminalizing Livelihood Itself? Matos, P. (2017), Paper, “Revisiting (In)Formality: wageless livelihoods and the production of needs in austerity Portugal”

14th EASA Biennial Conference, European Association of Social Anthropologists, July 20-23 2017, Milano

14th EASA Biennial Conference, European Association of Social Anthropologists, July 20-23 2017, Milano

Homs, P., Mayor, A. And Flores-Pons, G. (2016)  “The change of scale, a lever for agroecological cooperatives sustainability” Panel “Food values in Europe”   Leidereiter, C. & Loperfido, G. (2016) “Entrepreneurialism” and the Politics of De-politization in Post-fordist Settings. Vale do Ave (Portugal) and Veneto (Italy).   Narotzky, S. (2016) Plenary Speaker, “Competition and equality(…)

International conference, “Capitalist development in hostile environment: 30 years later”, Cosenza (Italy) 6-8 June

International conference, “Capitalist development in hostile environment: 30 years later”, Cosenza (Italy) 6-8 June

International conference, “Capitalist development in hostile environment: 30 years later” University of Calabria & Johns Hopkins University, Cosenza (Italy) 6-8 June   Pusceddu, A.M.  & Loperfido, G. (2017), “Regional differentiation and core-periphery relations in contemporary Italy: A comparative analysis of two urban contexts in Veneto and Puglia”