Publications since 2013
- Harrath A.H., Mansour L., Sluys R., Aldahmich W., Riutort M. & Alwasel S. (2025). The first Dugesia species (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dugesiidae) documented for Saudi Arabia: an integrative description. Zootaxa 5583 (1): 113–127.
- Guillem Pervasive and recurrent hybridisation prevents inbreeding depression in Europe’s most threatened seabird.
Stocchino Giacinta Angela, Ronald Sluys, Eduard Solà, Marta Riutort, Renata Manconi (2024). The long-eared freshwater planarians of Madagascar form a separate phylogenetic clade within the genus Dugesia (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida), with the description of two new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2024, 202, zlae143.
Izquierdo Arànega Guillem , Joan Ferrer Obiol, Raül Ramos Garcia, Marta Riutort León, Julio Rozas Liras, Jacob González-Solís Bou, Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life Management, Samples and Laboratory team, Wellcome Sanger Institute Scientific Operations: Sequencing Operations, Wellcome Sanger Institute Tree of Life Core Informatics team, Tree of Life Core Informatics collective, Darwin Tree of Life Consortium (2024). The genome sequence of Cory’s shearwater, Calonectris borealis (Cory, 1881). Wellcome Open Research, 9, 678.
Catalá, Alejandro; Benítez-Álvarez, Lisandra; Diez, Yander L.; Blasco, Gema; Riutort, Marta (2024). Treasure island: DNA data reveals unknown diversity in Cuban freshwater planarians(Platyhelminthes: Tricladida). Zoologia, 41, e23101 (Proceedings of the XVI ISFB).
Montserrat Corominas, Tomàs Marquès-Bonet, Miquel A Arnedo, Mònica Bayés, Jordina Belmonte, Hector Escrivà, Rosa Fernández, Toni Gabaldón, Teresa Garnatje, Josep Germain, Manel Niell, Ferran Palero, Joan Pons, Pere Puigdomènech, The Catalan initiative for the Earth BioGenome Project, Vanesa Arroyo, Cristian Cuevas-Caballé, Joan Ferrer Obiol, Ivo Gut, Marta Gut, Oriane Hidalgo, Guillem Izquierdo-Arànega, Laia Pérez-Sorribes, Emilio Righi, Marta Riutort, Joan Vallès, Julio Rozas, Tyler Alioto, Roderic Guigó (2024) The Catalan initiative for the Earth BioGenome Project: contributing local data to global biodiversity genomics, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2024, lqae075, Versió en català:
Dols-Serrate, D; Stocchino, GA; Nuin-Villabona, P, Sluys, R; Riutort, Marta (2024). New insights into the evolution and biogeography of freshwater planarians on islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean Basin, with the integrative description of a new endemic species from Corsica (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Dugesia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 201, 4, zlad135.
- Dols-Serrate, D; Stocchino, GA; Ronald Sluys, S.; Riutort, Marta (2024). Fantastic beasts and how to delimit them: an integrative approach using multispecies coalescent methods reveals two new, endemic Dugesia species (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) from Corsica and Sardinia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 201, 3, zlad080.
- Solà, Eduard; Sluys, Ronald; Riutort, Marta; Kawakatsu, Masaharu (2023). Molecular phylogenetics facilitates the first historical biogeographic analysis of the hammerhead worms (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Bipaliinae), with the description of twelve new species and two new genera. Monograph in Zootaxa 5335 (1): 001–077.
- Benítez-Álvarez, Lisandra; Sluys, Ronald; Leal Zanchet, Ana Maria; Leria, Laia; Riutort, Marta (2023). Niche modelling and molecular phylogenetics unravel the invasion biology and worldwide colonization of three species of the freshwater planarian genus Girardia (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida). Hydrobiologia 850:3125–3142
- Benítez-Álvarez L, Leria L, Dols D, Riutort M (2023). Building phylogenies from transcriptomic data. Book chapter in “The Schmidtea mediterranea toolbox” (Luca Gentile, ed.) within Springer Nature series Methods in Molecular Biology.
- Le Clercq, LS., Bazzi, G., Ferrer Obiol, J. et al. Birds of a feather flock together: a dataset for Clock and Adcyap1 genes from migration genetics studies. Sci Data 10, 787 (2023).
- Ferrer Obiol, Joan; Herranz, Jose M.; Paris, Josephine R; Whiting, James R; Rozas, Julio; Riutort, Marta; González-Solís, Jacob (2023). Species delimitation using genomic data to resolve taxonomic uncertainties in a speciation continuum of pelagic seabirds. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 179: 107671.
- Lago-Barcia, D; Alvarez-Presas, M.; Riutort, M.; Oceguera-Figueroa, A; Carbayo, F (2023). Phylogenetic relationships of the Geoplaninae land planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida) assessed with a total evidence approach, with the description of a new species of Gigantea. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 184: 107750.
- Benítez-Álvarez, Lisandra; Leria, Laia; Fernández, Rosa; Mateos, Eduardo; Bennas, Nard; el Ouanighi, Younes; El Alami, Majida; Yacoubi- Khebiza, Mohamed; Ayt Ougougdal, Houssam; Riutort, Marta (2023). Phylotranscriptomics interrogation uncovers a complex evolutionary history for the planarian genus Dugesia (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida) in the Western Mediterranean. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 178: 107649.
- Benítez-Álvarez, Lisandra; Sluys, Ronald; Leal Zanchet, Ana Maria; Leria, Laia; Riutort, Marta (2023) First molecular phylogeny of the freshwater planarian genus Girardia (Platyelminthes, Tricladida) unveils hidden taxonomic diversity and initiates resolution of its historical biogeography. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 197(1): 1-19
- Álvarez-Presas, M.; Mateos, E.; Sluys, R.; Riutort, M. (2022). Cryptic diversity in European terrestrial flatworms of the genus Microplana (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Geoplanidae) in «Cryptic species. Morphological stasis, circumscription, and hidden diversity» (A. K. Monro and S. J. Mayo, eds.). Chapter 11, pp 281- 293. Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 9781316513644.
- Benítez-Álvarez, Lisandra; Mateos, Eduardo; El Ouanighi, Younes; Bennas, Nard; El Alami, Majida; Riutort, Marta (2022). The expansion continues: Girardia arrives in Africa. First record of Girardia sinensis (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Continenticola, Dugesiidae) in Morocco. Zootaxa, 5169 (5): 497–500.
- Cuevas-Caballé, Cristian; Ferrer-Obiol, Joan; Vizueta, Joel; Meritxell Genovart; González-Solís, Jacob; Riutort, Marta; Rozas, Julio (2022). The genome of the Balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus), a Critically Endangered seabird: a valuable resource for evolutionary and conservation genomics. Genome Biology and Evolution, 14: evac067. 10.1101/2021.12.17.473171
- , , , , , , , , , Island-specific evolution of a sex-primed autosome in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. Nature, 606: 329–334
- Solà E, Leria L, Stocchino GA, Bagherzadeh R, Balke M, Daniels SR, Harrath AH,Khang TF,Krailas D,Kumar B, LiM-H, Maghsoudlou A, Matsumoto M,Naser N, Oben B, Segev O, Thielicke M, Tong X, Zivanovic G, Manconi R, Baguñà J, Riutort M (2022) Three dispersal routes out of Africa: The puzzling biogeographical history of the freshwater planarian Dugesia (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) revealed by molecular data. Journal of Biogeography, 49(7): 1219- 1233
- Leria L, Riutort M, Romero R, Ferrer X, Vila-Farré M (2022) Biogeographic history of the Western Mediterranean Dugesia freshwater planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida): From microplate tectonics to environmental factors. Journal of Biogeography, 49(6):1124-1136.
- Joan Ferrer Obiol, Helen James, R. Chesser, Vincent Bretagnolle, Jacob Gonzales-Solis, Julio Rozas, Andreanna Welch, Marta Riutort (2022). Paleoceanographic changes in the late Pliocene promoted rapid diversification in pelagic seabirds. Journal of Biogeography, 49(1): 171–188.
- Adell, T.; Riutort, M. (2021). Phylum Platyhelminthes. In Invertebrate Zoology: A Tree of Life Approach (B. Schierwater and R. DeSalle, eds.). Chapter 14, pp. 217-228. Taylor and Francis. ISBN: 9780429159053.
- Michel, M.R., Flores- Gallegos, A.C. Villarreal-Morales, S.L., Aguilar-Zárate, P., Aguilar, C.N., Riutort, M. & Rodríguez-Herrera, R. (2021). Fructosyltransferase production by Aspergillus oryzae BM-DIA using solid-state fermentation and the properties of its nucleotide and protein sequences. Folia Microbiologica.
- García-Vernet, R., Martín, B., Peinado, M.A., Víkingsson, G., Riutort, M., Aguilar A. (2021). CpG methylation frequency of TET2, GRIA2, and CDKN2A genes in the North Atlantic fin whale varies with age and between populations. Marine Mammal Science, 37(4): 1230-1244 DOI: 10.1111/mms.12808
- Negrete, L., Álvarez-Presas, M., Riutort, M., Brusa, F. (2021). Integrative taxonomy of land planarians (Platyhelminthes: Geoplanidae) from the Andean-Patagonian Forests from Argentina and Chile, withthe erection of two new genera. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 59:588–612.
- Stocchino, G.A., Dols-Serrate, D., Ronald Sluys, S., Riutort, M., Onnis, C., Manconi, R. (2021) Amphibioplanidae: a new branch and Family on the phylogenetic tree of the triclad flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida), represented by a species from Sardinian caves with a remarkable lifestyle. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlaa 193(4): 1364–1391 .
- Joan Ferrer Obiol, Helen F. James, R. Terry Chesser, Vincent Bretagnolle, Jacob González-Solís, Julio Rozas, Marta Riutort, Andreanna J. Welch (2021). Integrating Sequence Capture and Restriction-Site Associated DNA Sequencing to resolve Recent Radiations of Pelagic Seabirds. Systematic Biology, 70(5): 976–996
- Feng, S., Stiller, J. (…) Zhang, G. (Bird 10K consortium) (2020). Dense sampling of bird diversity increases power of comparative genomics. Nature, 587: 252–257.
- Araujo, A. P. G., Carbayo, F., Riutort, M., & Álvarez-Presas, M. (2020) Five new pseudocryptic land planarian species of Cratera (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida) unveiled through integrative taxonomy. PeerJ, 8, e9726.
- Dols-serrate, D., Leria, L., Aguilar, J.P., Stocchino, G., Riutort, M. (2020). Dugesia hepta and Dugesia benazzii ( Platyhelminthes : Tricladida ): two sympatric species with occasional sex ? Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 20, 369–386
- Mateos, E., Winkler, D., Riutort, M., & Alvarez-Presas, M. (2020). New morphological and molecular data reveal an important underestimation of species diversity and indicate evolutionary patterns in European Lepidocyrtus (Collembola, Entomobryidae). Invertebrate Systematics, 70(5): 976–996
- Mateos, E., Jones, H. D., Riutort, M., & Álvarez-Presas, M. (2020). A new species of alien terrestrial planarian in Spain: Caenoplana decolorata. PeerJ, 8.
- Jones, H. D., Mateos, E., Riutort, M., & Álvarez-presas, M. (2020). The identity of the invasive yellow-striped terrestrial planarian found recently in Europe: Caenoplana variegata (Fletcher & Hamilton, 1888) or Caenoplana bicolor (Graff, 1899)? Zookeys, 4731(2), 193–222.
- Benítez-Álvarez, L., Leal-Zanchet, A. M., Oceguera-Figueroa, A., Lopes Ferreira, R., de Medeiros Bento, D., Braccini, J., Sluys, R., Riutort, M. (2020). Phylogeny and biogeography of the Cavernicola (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida): Relicts of an epigean group sheltering in caves? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 145: 106709.
- Leria, L., Vila-Farré, M., Álvarez-Presas, M., Sánchez-Gracia, A., Rozas, J., Sluys, R., & Riutort, M. (2020). Cryptic species delineation in freshwater planarians of the genus Dugesia (Platyhelminthes , Tricladida): Extreme intraindividual genetic diversity , morphological stasis , and karyological variability. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 143, February 2020, 106496.
Kanana, Y.; Riutort, M. (2019). First record of freshwater planarian Girardia tigrina (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Continenticola) in Eastern Europe. Zootaxa 4624(4), 597-600
- Harrath, A.H.; Sluys, R.; Mansour, L.; Lekeufack, G.; Aldahmash, W.; Alwasel, S.; Solà, E.; Riutort, M. (2019). Molecular and morphological identification of two new African species of Dugesia (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dugesiidae) from Cameroon. Journal of Natural History 53(5-6): 253-271
- Soliño, L., Ferrer-Obiol, J., Navarro-Herrero, L., González-Solís, J., & Costa, P. R. (2019). Are pelagic seabirds exposed to amnesic shellfish poisoning toxins?. Harmful Algae, 84, 172-180.
- Cuevas-Caballé, C., Riutort, M., & Álvarez-Presas, M. (2019). Diet assessment of two land planarian species using high-throughput sequencing data. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 8679.
- Leria, L., Vila-Farré, M., Solà, E., & Riutort, M. (2019). Outstanding intraindividual genetic diversity in fissiparous planarians (Dugesia, Platyhelminthes) with facultative sex. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19(1), 130.
- Álvarez-Presas, M.; Mateos, E.; Riutort, M. (2018). Hidden diversity in forest soils: characterization and comparison of terrestrial flatworm’s communities in two national parks in Spain. Ecology and Evolution, 8(15), pp. 7386 – 7400.
- Leria, L.; Sluys, R.; Riutort, M. (2018). Diversification and biogeographic history of the Western Palearctic freshwater flatworm genus Schmidtea (Tricladida: Dugesiidae), with a re-description of S. nova. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 56(3), pp. 335 – 351. .
- Carbayo, F.; Santos Silva, M.; Riutort, M.; Álvarez-Presas, M. (2018). Rolling into the deep of the land planarian genus Choeradoplana (Tricladida, Continenticola, Geoplanidae) taxonomy. Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 18, pp. 187 – 210. .
- Souza, S.; Riutort, M.; Ferreira, R.; Leal-Zanchet, A. (2018). An integrative taxonomic approach reveals the first marine triclad (Platyhelminthes) trapped in a cave from a semi-arid Neotropical environment. Invertebrate Systematics, 32, pp. 627 – 638 . .
- Mateos, E.; Escuer, P.; Busmachiu, G.; Riutort, M.; Álvarez-Presas, M. (2018). Untangling Lepidocyrtus (Collembola, Entomobryidae): new molecular data shed light on the relationships of the European groups. Invertebrate Systematics, 32, pp. 639 – 651 . .
- Stocchino, G.A.; Sluys, R.; Riutort, M.; Solà, E.; Manconi, R. (2017). Freshwater planarian diversity (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Dugesiidae) in Madagascar: new species, cryptic species, with a redefinition of character states. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 181(4), pp. 727 – 756 . .
- Mateos, E.; Sluys, R.; Riutort, M.; Alvarez-Presas, M. (2017). Species richness in the genus Microplana (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Microplaninae) in Europe: as yet no asymptote in sight. Invertebrate Systematics, 31, pp. 269 – 301 . .
- Sluys, R.; Mateos, E.; Riutort, M.; Alvarez-Presas, M. (2016). Towards a comprehensive, integrative analysis of the diversity of European microplaninid land flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Microplaninae), with the description of two peculiar new species. Systematics and Biodiversity, 14(1), pp. 9 – 31 . .
- Carbayo, Fernando; Alvarez-Presas, Marta; Jones, Hugh D.; Riutort, Marta (2016). The true identity of Obama (Platyhelminthes: Geoplanidae) flatworm spreading across Europe. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 177(1), pp. 5 – 28 . .
- Harrath, A.H.; Mansour, L.; Lagnika, M.; Sluys, R.; Boutin, C.; Alwasel, S.; Poch, A.; Riutort, M. (2016). A molecular analysis of the phylogenetic position of the suborder Cavernicola within the Tricladida (Platyhelminthes), with the description of a new species of stygobiont flatworm from Benin. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 178, pp. 482 – 491 . .
- Mazza, G.; Menchetti, M.; Sluys, R.; Solà, E.; Riutort, M.; Tricarico,E; Justine, J-L; Cavigioli, L.; Mori, E. (2016). First report of the land planarian Diversibipalium multilineatum (Makino & Shirasawa, 1983) (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Continenticola) in Europe. Zootaxa, 4067(5), pp. 577 – 580 . .
- Solà, E.; Sluy, R.; Segev, O.; Blaustein, L.; Riutort, M. (2015). The taxonomic status of Dugesia biblica from Israel and Turkey (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dugesiidae). ZooKeys, 506, pp. 1 – 12 . . ISSN: 1313-2989
- Solà, E.; Álvarez-Presas, M.; Frias, C.; Littlewood, T.; Rozas, J., Riutort, M. (2015). Evolutionary analysis of mitogenomes from parasitic and free-living flatworms. PLoS One, 10(3), pp. e0120081 – e0120081 . Link.
- Álvarez-Presas, M.; Amaral, S.; Carbayo, F.; Leal-Zanchet, A.M., Riutort, M. 2015). Focus on the details: morphological evidence supports new cryptic land flatworm (Platyhelminthes) species revealed with molecules. Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 15, pp. 379 – 403 . .
- Sluys, R.; Vila-Farre, M.; Alvarez-Presas, M.; Riutort, M.; Kawakatsu, M., Tulp, A.S. (2015). The diet and distribution of Pentacoelum kazukolinda (Kawakatsu & Mitchell, 1984), a maricolan planarian with a freshwater ecology. Zoologica Scripta, 44(1), pp. 72 – 91 . .
- Flores-Gallegos, A.C.; Morlett-Chávez J.A.; Aguilar, C.N.; Riutort, M.; Rodríguez-Herrera, R. (2015). Gene encoding inulinase isolated from penicillium citrinum ESS and its molecular phylogeny. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 175(3), pp. 1358 – 1370 . .
- Álvarez-Presas, M.; Mateos, E.; Tudó, A.; Jones, H.; Riutort, M. (2014). Diversity of introduced terrestrial flatworms in the Iberian Peninsula: a cautionary tale. PeerJ, 2(e430) . Link.
- Álvarez-Presas,M.; Riutort, M. (2014). Planarian (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida) Diversity and Molecular Markers: A New View of an Old Group. Diversity, 6, pp. 323 – 338 . Link .
- Álvarez, M.; Sánchez-Gracia, A.; Carbayo, F.; Rozas, J.; Riutort, M. (2014). Insights into the origin and distribution of biodiversity in the Brazilian Atlantic forest hotspot: A statistical phylogeographic study using a low-dispersal organism. Heredity, 112, pp. 656 – 665 . . ISSN: 0018-067X
- Lázaro, E.M.; Riutort, M. (2013). Dugesia sicula (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida): the colonizing success of an asexual Planarian. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 13, p. 268 . Link .
- Carbayo, F.; Álvarez Presas, M.; Olivares, C.; Marques, F.; Froehlich, E.; Riutort, M. (2013). Molecular phylogeny of Geoplaninae (Platyhelminthes) challenges current classification: proposal of taxonomic actions. Zoologica Scripta, 42(5), pp. 508 – 528 . .
- Sluys, R.; Solà, E.; Gritzalis, K.; Vila-Farré, M.; Mateos, E.; Riutort, M. (2013). Integrative delineation of species of Mediterranean freshwater planarians (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Dugesiidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 169, pp. 523 – 547 . .
- Solà, E.; Sluys, R.; Gritzalis, K.; Riutort, M. (2013). Fluvial basin history in the northeastern Mediterranean Region underlies dispersal and speciation patterns in the genus Dugesia (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dugesiidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 66(3), pp. 877 – 888 . .
Popular Science
- Mateos, E.; Álvarez-Presas, M.; Riutort, M (2015). Nuevos visitantes en España: Planarias terrestres introducidas. Quercus, 353, pp. 40 – 48 . Publicació online ( . ISSN: 0212-0054
- Riutort, M.; Álvarez-Presas, M.; Mateos, E. (2017). Planarias exóticas en España. De curiosos gusanos introducidos en nuestros jardines a invasoras de nuestros ecosistemas y cultivos. Investigación y Ciencia, Mayo 2017, pp. 82 – 83 . ISSN: 0210-136X