Latest news

  • Interview to Mireille Bousquet Mélou, EMS distinguished speaker at FoCM 2017, from the EMS Newsletter (issue 106, December 2017).
  • The final version of the book of abstracts is available.

  • The slides and videos of the plenary talks are available.

  • Some pictures of FoCM 2017 are available.

  • The certificates of participation and contributions are available.
  • FoCM 2017 at the UB news.
  • Calls section for poster presentation and NSF financial support is closed.
  • FoCM 2017

    The next Foundations of Computational Mathematics conference will take place in Barcelona, between July 10th - 19th, 2017.

    The conference will follow a format tried and tested to a great effect in former FoCM conferences: plenary invited lectures in the mornings, theme-centred parallel workshops in the afternoons. Each workshop extends over three days and the conference will consist of three periods, comprising of different themes. Although some participants choose to attend just one or two periods, on past experience the greatest benefit follows from attending the conference for its full ten days: the entire idea of FoCM is that we strive to break out of narrow boundaries of our specific research areas and open our minds to the broad range of exciting developments in computational mathematics.

    Each workshop will include a daily "semi-plenary" lecture, of interest to a more general audience, as well as (typically shorter) talks aimed at more technical audience. The choice of the speakers of a workshop is the responsibility of workshop organisers, and most of these workshop talks will be by invitation.

    We have every intention to build upon previous FoCM conferences and to make FoCM 2017 into a unique meeting point of workers in computational mathematics and of theoreticians in mathematics and in computer science. While presenting plenary talks by foremost world authorities and maintaining the highest technical level in the workshops, the emphasis will be on multidisciplinary interaction across subjects and disciplines, in an informal and friendly atmosphere. We hope that it will be an opportunity to meet colleagues from different subject-areas and identify the wide-ranging (and often surprising) common denominator of our research.


    FoCM 2017 will take place in the Historical Building of the University of Barcelona, located at Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585.


    Click on the image to view the poster of the conference, or click here to download its full size version:


    Click on the image to view some pictures of the conference. We thank all the participants who sent them.

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    Updated: January 20, 2018.

    FoCM 2017, based on a nodethirtythree design.

    Banner picture: Sergi Periche,