María Luz Celaya




M. Luz Celaya is a senior lecturer (associate professor) in Applied Linguistics in the
English and German Department at the University of Barcelona (UB) where she lectures
on second language acquisition. Her main research interests are crosslinguistic
influence, the acquisition and teaching of interlanguage pragmatics (ILP), and the use of English as a lingua franca in the workplace. She is now carrying out research on
plurilingualism, and also on teaching innovation.

She has coordinated both the Applied Linguistics Ph.D. programme and the Masters
programme in “Applied Linguistics and Language Acquisition in Multilingual
Contexts” (2004-2008). Before that, she was the coordinator of the TEFL branch in the
Master in Teaching and Applied Linguistics at her university (1997-1999) and the
coordinator of the English Linguistics Section of the English and German Department at
her university (1996-2001). She has served as a member of the Executive Board of the
Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN) (2011-2015).

She has been a member (and secretary) of the UB Committee for the Evaluation of
Teaching; she is the coordinator of a teaching innovation group (GiDaDeNa) and a
member of another group, and has participated in more than ten innovation projects. In
this line she published Celaya, M.L.; J.Barón; I. Miralpeix. 2014. Trabajo de campo
sobre adquisición del inglés como lengua extranjera y tutorización entre iguales. In A.
Parcerisa (Coord.). Experiencias de evaluación continuada en la Universidad. 40-46.
Barcelona: Octaedro.

She has supervised seven Ph.D. doctoral dissertations and more than thirty doctoral
small theses and MA theses, and has participated in about fifty Ph.D. and master
dissertation committees. She is a full member of the GRAL research team
( and has been involved in research projects since 1995. She has
published and presented her papers at both national and international forums. Some
recent publications include:
Barón, J., M. L. Celaya & M. Levkina. 2020. Learning pragmatics through tasks: When
interaction plays a role. Applied Pragmatics 2, 1: 1-25.
Celaya, M. L. 2019. The Emergence and Development of Syntactic Patterns in EFL
Writing in a School Context: A Longitudinal Study.

Languages 4, 41.doi:10.3390/languages4020041
Caballero, N. & M. L. Celaya. 2019. Code-switching by primary school bilingual EFL
learners: A study on the effect of proficiency and modality of interaction. International
Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.

Celaya, M. L., L. Panelli, L. & J. Barón. 2019. “I’m jealous but I am very happy”:
Congratulating in an EFL context. En Gutiérrez, J., Martínez-Adrián, M. y Gallardo, F.
(eds.), Cross-Linguistic Influence: From Empirical Evidence to Classroom Practice, pp.
149-167. London: Springer.













