
We publish our work
in international academic journals,
conferences and books.

  • Alcaraz-Dominguez, S., & Barajas, M. (2021). Conceiving socio-scientific issues in STEM lessons from science education research and practice. Education Sciences, 11(5), 238. See article
  • Bayram-Jacobs, D., Henze, I., Evagorou, M., Shwartz, Y., Leirvoll Aschim, E., Alcaraz‐Dominguez, S., Barajas, M., Dagan, E. (2019) Science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge development during enactment of socioscientific curriculum materials. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1–27
    See article
  • Barajas, M., Frossard, F. (2018). Mapping creative pedagogies in open wiki learning environments. Education and Information Technologies. pp 1–17.  See article
  • Alcaraz-Domínguez, S., Barajas, M., Domènech-Casal, J., Garrido, B. (2016). Recursos digitales abiertos: noticias científicas de actualidad. Alambique: Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales, 84, pp. 80-81 Visit website
  • Rossi Cordero, A., Barajas Frutos, M. (2015). Elección de estudios CTIM y desequilibrios de género (Gender imbalances in STEM career choice). Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 33(3), pp. 59-76 Visit website
  • Alcaraz-Domínguez, S., Barajas, M., Malagrida, R., Pérez, F. (2015). Els projectes Europeus Engaging Science, Xplore Health, RRI Tools i Scientix: Finestres a la formació i la participació en comunitats docents per al treball amb Controvèrsies i Recerca i Innovació Responsables. Ciències, 30, pp. 47-54 Visit website
  • Frossard, F., Barajas, M. Trifonova, A. (2012). A Learner-Centred Game-Design Approach: Impacts on teachers’ creativity. Digital Education Review, 21, 13-22, pp. 13-22 Visit website
  • Frossard, F. Trifonova, A., Barajas, M. (2010). Evolving virtual communities of practice: Genesis of a Spanish network of rural schools. International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, Volume 2, Number 3-4 / 2010, pp250-261
  • Decortis F., Ackermann E., Barajas M., Magli R., Owen M., Toccafondi G. (2008). From ‘La Piazza’ to ‘Puente’: How place, people and technology make intergenerational learning. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol.1, No.1/2, p.144-155. Visit website
  • Barajas M., Gannaway G. (2007). Implementing E-learning in the Traditional Higher Education Institutions. Higher Education in Europe 32(2-3).
  • Barajas, M., Boix, R., Silvestre, S. (2006). Proyecto NEMED: una red transnacional para la escuela rural. Aula de Innovación Educativa, 149, 28-31.
  • Barajas, M., Frossard, F., Trifonova, A. (2018). Strategies for digital creative pedagogies in today’s education. In S.M. Brito (ed.), Active Learning. London, UK: Intechopen. ISBN 978-953-51-6405-0
  • Frossard, F., Barajas, M. Trifonova, A. (2015). Teachers designing learning games: Impact on creativity. In J.C. Kaufman, & G. Green (Eds.), Video games and creativity. Explorations in Creativity Research (pp 160-180). New York, NY: Academic Press. ISBN: 978-0-12-801462-2 Visit website
  • Frossard, F., Barajas, M. Trifonova, A. (2015). Creative educational game design by teachers: The CEGAD model. In R.L. Lamb, & D. McMahon (Eds.), Educational and learning games: New research. New York: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-63483-421-6 Visit website
  • Trifonova, A., Barajas, M., Di Fuccio, R. (2014). Block Magic Methodology and Technology: a brief snapshot. In Miglino, O., Di Fuccio, R., Ponticorvo, M. (Eds.) Renewing Hands-on Psychopedagogical Practices with Smart Objects Technology, IOSpress.
  • Trifonova, A., Barajas, M. (2014). Transcultural Experiences of Block-Magic methodology: observations in Greece, Germany and Spain. In Miglino, O., Di Fuccio, R., Ponticorvo, M. (Eds.) Renewing Hands-on Psychopedagogical Practices with Smart Objects Technology, IOSpress.
  • Frossard, F., Barajas, M. Trifonova, A. (2013). El diseño de juegos educativos por el profesor: ¿mejora su creatividad? In J.L. Rodríguez Illera (Ed.), Aprendizaje y educación en la sociedad digital (p. 7-25). Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Koulouris P., Pingel-Rollmann H., Sotiriou S., Barajas M., Clarke A., de Angelis-Curtis I., Kárpáti A., Lallemand T., Megalakaki O., Pilv, M., Schaeffer D., Vuorikari R., Zoakou, A. (2013). Study of the impact of Comenius centralised actions. Comenius multilateral projects and Comenius
    multilateral networks Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013. ISBN:978-92-79-27805-1 Visit website
  • Alcaraz-Domínguez, S., Barajas, M., Riviou, K., Sotiriou, S. (2013). Designing Quality Key Competence Acquisition Training for VET Trainers: the Case of Spain. In Tannhäuser, A.C., Feliciano, S. (Eds.) Improving Quality of Vocational Training – Tools, Frameworks and Current Practices. Brussels: European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (EFQUEL) ISBN: 9789082020519, pp. 85-96
  • Barajas, B., Trifonova, A. (2011). Why Enquiry-base science education is failing in Europe? The view of the teachers. Chapter 2: Teacher Training in Science Education. In Kikis-Papadakis, K., Magrefi, F., Papanastasiou, R. (Eds.). Enhancing Innovation and Creativity in Science Teaching: STENCIL Annual Report n.1
  • Chryssafidou E., Sotiriou S., Koulouris P., Stratakis M., Miliarakis A., Barajas M., Milrad M., Spikol D. (2010) Developing Tools that Support Effective Mobile and Game Based Learning: The COLLAGE Platform. In Caballe, S., Xhafa, F., Daradoumis, T., Juan, A. (eds.) Architectures for Distributed and Complex M-Learning Systems: Applying Intelligent Technologies. IGI Global: Hershey, PA
  • Barajas, M., Sotiriou S, Lohr M, Owen M. (2009) Collage in Action: a case study on mobile learning and game-based learning in school settings. In Caballe, S., Xhafa, F., Daradoumis, T., Juan, A. (eds.) Architectures for Distributed and Complex M-Learning Systems: Applying Intelligent Technologies. IGI Global: Hershey, PA
  • Frossard, F., Barajas, M. (2018). «Enhancing Teachers’ Intercultural Competences through Digital Game-Based Learning: A Pedagogical Framework». Proceedings of the European Distance Education Network (EDEN) 2018 Annual Conference, Exploring the Exploring the Micro, Meso and Macro Navigating between dimensions in the digital learning landscape, Genoa, Italy, 17 – 20th June 2018, 69-77. ISBN 978-615-5511-23-3
  • Alcaraz-Dominguez, S., Frossard, F., Barajas, M. (2018). La competencia digital de los formadores del profesorado en España: Oportunidades y retos para su desarrollo. In: F.X. Carrera Farran, F. Martínez Sánchez, J.L. Coiduras Rodríguez, E. Brescó Baiges, E. Vaquero Tió. EDUcación con TECnología Un compromiso social Aproximaciones desde la investigación y la innovación. pp1301-1307. Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida. ISBN: 978-84-9144-126-7
  • Essonnier, N., Barquero, B., Mercat, C., El-Demerdash, M. Trgalova, J., Barajas M., Lealdino Filho, P. (2017). Factors impacting on the collaborative design of digital resources. 10th Congress on European Research in Mathemathics Education. Dublin, 1-5 february, 2017
  • Alcaraz-Dominguez, S., Barajas, M. (2016). Fostering reflective practice around RRI in an online course for in-service STEM teachers. 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 4-6 July, 2016, Barcelona Spain. pp.5199-5208. ISBN: 978-84-608-8860-4
  • Alcaraz-Dominguez, S., Barajas, M. (2016). Building responsible research and innovation skills: A digital repository for stem teachers. 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2016), 7-9 March, 2016 Valencia, Spain. pp.2072-2082. ISBN: 978-84-608-5617-7 Visit website
  • Barquero, B., Papadopoulos, I., Barajas, M., Kynigos. C. (2016). Cross-case design in using digital technologies: two communities of interest designing a c-book unit. 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education Hamburg, 24-31 July 2016. Visit website
  • Sala, G., Barquero, B., Barajas, M., Font, V. (2016). Què amaguen aquestes ruïnes? Disseny d’una unitat didàctica interdisciplinary per una plataforma virtual. Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI). Visit website
  • Sala, G.; Barquero, B.; Monreal, N.; Font, V.; Barajas, M. (2016). Evaluación del potencial de creatividad matemática en el diseño de una c-unidad. XX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática (SEIEM), Málaga. pp.491-500. Visit website
  • Papadopoulos, I., Barquero, B., Richter, A., Daskolia, M., Barajas, M., Kynigos, C. (2015). Representations of creative mathematicalthinking in designer communities of interest producing c-book units. 9th. Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME9). Prague, Czech Republic Visit website
  • Richter, A., Barquero, B., Font, V., Barajas, M. (2015). ¿Cómo promover la creatividad matemática? El papel de las comunidades de interés y del diseño de c-unidades. In Flores, R. (Ed.). Acta Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa, Vol. 28. México, D.F.: Comité Latinoamericano de Matemática Educativa A. C., pp.731-738. ISSN:2448-6469 Visit website
  • Barquero, B., Font V., Barajas M., Ritcher, A. (2014). ¿Como promover la creatividad matemática? El papel de las comunidades de interés y el diseño de c-unidades. XXVIII REUNIÓN LATINOAMERICANA DE MATEMÁTICA EDUCATIVA – RELME 2014. Barranquilla, Colombia.
  • Barquero, B., Richter, A., Barajas, M., Font, V. (2014). Promoviendo la creatividad matemática a través del diseño colaborativo de c-unidades. In M.T. González, M. Codes, D. Arnau & T. Ortega (Eds.), Investigación en Educación Matemática XVIII. Salamanca: Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática (SEIEM). pp157-166. ISBN:978-84-697-0819-4 Visit website
  • Alcaraz-Domínguez, S., Barajas, M. (2014). Digital Badges for Teacher Professional Development: Implementation and Testing in a Learni ng Management System. Proceedings of the TIC-Educa 2014 conference, Lisboa, Portugal, 14th-16th. November 2014. pp. 858-862. ISBN 978-989-8753-08-3
  • Alcaraz-Domínguez, S., Barajas, M. (2014). The role of digital tools in bridging the gap between competency-based educational policy and practice in Spain. In Proceedings of the INTED2014 conference, Valencia, Spain, 10th-12th March 2014. pp. 1862-1868. ISBN 978-84-616-8412-0
  • Barajas M., Trifonova A. (2013). Learning Transversal Skills with ICT-Enhanced Attribute Blocks. In Kapounová, J. and Kostolányová, K. (Eds.). Information and Communication Technology in Education (Proceedings of the ICTE’13 Conference), Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Czech Republic, 10th – 12th September 2013. pp. 9-10. ISBN 978-80-7464-324-8
  • Barajas M. (2013). ICT as a Pathway to Inquiry Based Science Education. In Kapounová, J. and Kostolányová, K. (Eds.). Information and Communication Technology in Education (Proceedings of the ICTE’13 Conference), Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Czech Republic, 10th – 12th September 2013. pp. 11-13. ISBN 978-80-7464-324-8
  • Miglino, O., Di Fuccio, R., Barajas, M., Belafi, M., Partrizia, C., Dimitrakopoulou, D., Ricci, C., Trifonova, A., Zoakou, A. (2013). Enhancing Manipulative Learning with Smart Objects. In Stracke, C.M. (Ed.) Learning Innovations and Quality: The Future of Digital Resources. Proceedings of the International Conference LINQ2013, May 16-18, 2013 Rome, Italy, ISBN: 978-3-8325-3406-6, pp.112-119. Berlin: Logos Verlag
  • Trifonova, A., Barajas, M. (2013). Teachers’ reflections over PATHWAY CPD activities on Inquiry-based teaching. In Constantinou, C. P., Papadouris, N., Hadjigeorgiou, A. (Eds.). E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part 14: In-service science teacher education, continued professional development (co-ed. Editors of the strand chapter), (pp.6) Nicosia, Cyprus: European Science Education Research Association. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-6
  • Trifonova, A., Barajas, M. (2012). Pathway, IBSE and Teacher Training: first observations in Spain. Proceedings of the International Research and Practice Conference “Science Education in School of the Information Age” (SESIA2012), Center “Poligon-Pro” in Moscow on October 14 – 16th, 2012
  • Trifonova, A., Barajas, M., Quintana, J. (2012). Magic Blocks to Trigger Creative, Mathematical, Logical, Language, Strategic and Social Skills in Pre-School and Primary School Children. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2012), November 19-21, 2012, Madrid (Spain), ISBN: 978-84-616-0763-1 / ISSN: 2340-1095, pp. 3152-3161
  • Barajas, M., Frossard, F. (2012) Obstacles and Success Factors for Integrating Wiki Approaches in the Classroom: Teachers’ Perceptions». Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2012). Madrid.
  • Owen, M., Owen, S., Barajas, M., Trifonova, A. (2012) Pedagogic Issues and Questions from the Science Centre to Go, Augmented Reality, Project Implementation. IN Lazoudis, Salmi, Sotirios (Eds) Augmented Reality in Education. Proceedings of SCeTGo workshop, 29 October, 2011, Athens (Greece), EPINOIA S.A., ISBN: 978-960-473-328-6
  • Frossard, F., Barajas, M., Alcaraz-DomÌnguez, S., Trifonova, A., Quintana, J. (2011). GBL Design for Enhancing Creativity in the Classroom. In Barajas, M., Trifonova, A., Delli Veneri, A., Frossard, F., Mellini, B. (Eds.). Game and Creativity in education and Training, Nápoles: Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, ISBN 978-88-8338-118-8 pp.25-32
  • Barajas, M., Frossard, F., Trifonova, A. (2011). Teachers as Game Designers: Enhancing Innovation and Creativity in the Classroom. In Proceedings of EDEN Open Classroom 2011 Conference, Athens, Greece, 27-29 October 2011. In Sotiriou, S., Szűcs, A. (Eds.) Never Waste a Crisis! Inclusive Excellence, Innovative Technologies and Transformed Schools as Autonomous Learning Organisations, ISBN 978-963-87914-7-4, pp.127-132
  • Burkhardt, D., Frossard, F., Barajas, M., Obermüller, M., Moises, M., Nazemi, K. (2011). Ruralenter Capacity Building Through ICT in Rural Areas. In Proceedings of EDEN Open Classroom 2011 Conference, Athens, Greece, 27-29 October 2011. In Sotiriou, S., Szűcs, A. (Eds.) Never Waste a Crisis! Inclusive Excellence, Innovative Technologies and Transformed Schools as Autonomous Learning Organisations, ISBN 978-963-87914-7-4, pp.1348-1354
  • Barajas, M., Trifonova, A., Giménez, J. (2011). The Pathway to Inquiry-Based Science Education in Europe and Beyond: Challenges and Solutions for IBSE Adoption. In Proceedings of EDEN Open Classroom 2011 Conference, Athens, Greece, 27-29 October 2011. In Sotiriou, S., Szűcs, A. (Eds.) Never Waste a Crisis! Inclusive Excellence, Innovative Technologies and Transformed Schools as Autonomous Learning Organisations, ISBN 978-963-87914-7-4, pp.1-6
  • Frossard, F. Trifonova, A., Geis, X., Moyà I Altisent, M., Barajas, M. (2010). Collaborative storytelling with Wiki: a case study in Spanish rural schools. In Proceedings of Social Applications for Lifelong Learning (SALL2010), Patra, Greece, 4-5 November 2010, ISSN: 1792 – 586X, pp. 20-24
  • Frossard, F. Trifonova, A., Barajas, M. (2010). Evolutionary Approach of Virtual Communities of Practice: a Reflection within a Network of Spanish Rural Schools. In Proceedings of Int. Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Quality Of Teaching Reforming Of Education: Learning Technologies, Quality of Education, Educational Systems, Evaluation, Pedagogies (TECH-EDUCATION 2010), Athens, Greece, 19-21 May, 2010
  • Frossard, F., Barajas, M., Trifonova A. (2009) A blog as a collaboration tool for enhancing a network of rural schools in Spain. Rural Wings final conference, October 17-18, 2009, Athens.
  • Frossard, F., Masaguer, M. Moyà i Altisent, M., Viqueira, S. Geis, X., Barajas, M. (2009). Toward the creation of a virtual community of rural schools. Rural Wings final conference, October 17-18, 2009, Athens.
  • Barajas M., Frossard F. (2009). Intergenerational learning through digital scenarios: a case study in live-history. m-ICTE2009 conference, April 22-24, 2009, Lisbon.
  • Tocafondi G., DeCortis F., Barajas M., Frossard F., Lentini L. (2009). Puente: Design for Intergenerational Learning Places. CAL’09 conference, March 23-25, 2009, Brighton, UK.