Project Description


Duration: 2010-11 (2 years)
Program: Lifelong Learning Programme, «Policy Cooperation & Innovation»
Coordinator: FORTH/IACM (Greece)
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Project description

MASON – Mainstream SocioCultural Dynamics to enhance NLLLS – aimed to support the implementation of coherent and comprehensive lifelong learning strategies and complementary policies at national, regional and local levels across sectors and levels of education. Its concern was the transfer of innovation of practices and actions from a learning tradition to another. We developed new knowledge on the relation between LLL implementation and socio-cultural dynamics, negotiated it with stakeholders through an innovative approach between stakeholders of different types and forms of education and training from diverse learning traditions.To better understand the process of reforming educational systems from a learning tradition perspective, we tested a platform for on-going reflections on the ability of the LLL actors to effectively address system deficiencies in relation to LLL.