Project Description


Duration: 2021-24
Program: ERASMUS +, Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Coordinator: ANCI Umbria – Associazione dei Comuni dell Umbria (Italy)

Project description

The provision of inclusive public services, capable of also adapting to the needs of vulnerable categories, is a fundamental need of today's global societies. It can be better achieved by equipping the top figures of public administrations (Managers) with the necessary skills in managing diversity and inclusive leadership. Currently, at the European level, there are great differences in the standards of professional training for civil servants and soft skills oriented to the management of diversity and conflict mediation are often overlooked. The project contributes primarily to innovation in the VET sector, through the development of a specific training offer in fully digital mode in the sector of professional training aimed at managers of Public Administrations focused on Diversity Management (DM). The specific objectives include the development of transversal skills
in conflict management and mediation, through the development of approaches, methodologies and tools for professional training. In this sense, the Project uses digital technologies and innovative open educational practices. InPluServ also aims to promote the creation of networks between public administrations and VET training providers, thus encouraging their ability to work transnationally, as well as to share ideas and methodologies. In this sense, the Project explicitly refers to the European system of recognition of vocational training (ECVET, EQF, EQAVET).

ERASMUS +, Call 2021 Round 1 KA2 KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training