
Our multidisciplinary team gathers professionals from different academic backgrounds, profiles and nationalities.

Mario Barajas Frutos
Mario Barajas FrutosCo-Coordinator
He holds a PhD in Education (University of Barcelona) and Master’s Degree in Educational Technology (San Francisco State University, USA). He holds degrees in Engineering and in Philosophy, and previously taught Mathematics in secondary education. He teaches educational technologies at both graduate and post-graduate levels (Faculty of Education). He participates in different Research Committees, Journals and chairs different Conferences at an international level. He co-coordinates Future Learning.
Jaume del Campo Sorribas
Jaume del Campo SorribasCo-coordinator
. He is PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (1998 – Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award) and Associate Professor in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education (2001). He is specialist in Conflict Resolution in the digital society. He is the director of 2 Doctoral programmes in Latinoamerica, and coordinates the Network COOPERO with the participation of 20 Latino-American and EU universities. With Future Learning, he has been working in EU-funded projects, as ONLIFE, InPluserv, BUFSIE, and ACCORD.
Silvia Alcaraz Dominguez
Silvia Alcaraz DominguezAssistant researcher/Associated Lecturer
Dr. in Education. She has been working in educational research for more than ten years, mainly in the framework of EU projects. She designs, implements and assesses professional development programmes for in-service teachers mediated by ICT. She investigates the potential of IBSE & RRI to support teaching scientific competencies. She is an associate lecturer at the Faculty of Education, where she teaches technology for learning.
Cristina Galván
Cristina Galvánassistant teacher/senior researcher
Doctor in Education and Society, University of Barcelona, 2015. Master Teaching and Learning in Digital Environments. Her inteeests range from pedagogical reflection for learning in higher education and in the digital society, Hybrid training or Social and open innovation. She is the Coordinator of the Teaching Innovation Group Virtual Teaching and Learning, University of Barcelona (GREAV), Member of the Digital Education Observatory, University of Barcelona. She has worked in several EU-funder projects and published articles in prestigious international journals
Marc Fuertes
Marc FuertesAssistant teacher - senior researcher
He holds a degree and a PhD in Education from the University of Barcelona where he is currently an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Education. He has previously been a teacher at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) and at Universitat de Vic. His teaching and research is mainly devoted to the integration of digital technology in teaching and learning processes. He is involved in several research projects that study the uses of digital storytelling in education. He is the secretary of the Observatori de l’Educació Digital (Digital Education Observatory) and a board member of the Institut de Recerca en Educació (Institute of Research in Education) at the same university.»
Nuria Molas
Nuria MolasAssistant teacher - Senior researcher
She holds a PhD in Education and Society (University of Barcelona) and a Master’s Degree in Teaching and Learning in Digital Environments (University of Barcelona). She is a lecturer at the Faculty of Education of the UB, where she teaches educational technologies and educational theory at both graduate and post-graduate levels. She has been working in educational research in several national and international projects. Her work mainly relates to technology-enhanced learning, with a focus on transmedia storytelling and digital narratives. She is also the editorial coordinator of the journal Digital Education Review.


Frédérique Frossard
Frédérique Frossard Senior researcher
She is a psychologist and holds a PhD in education (University of Barcelona). Her work mainly relates to technology-enhanced learning, with a focus on game-based learning and creativity. She has teaching experience at different educational levels, i.e. primary school, university, professional and adult training. In addition, she has been working in educational research for more than 10 years, collaborating in several EU projects (FP6, LLP). She is now involved in the ACCORD project (Erasmus +).

Anna Trifonova

Educational consultant
(CreaTIC Nens, Barcelona).

Belén Garrido
Belén GarridoTeacher trainer
She started her professional career as a scientist: she got an engineering degree (Polytechnic University of Madrid) and a Master’s degree in Plant Science (University of California), where she worked as a researcher. Next she shifted her focus towards bilingual education: she got a Bilingual Emphasis Teaching Credential (California State University) and has over 20 years of experience in bilingual education. At present she works as a consultant, writer and translator of educational materials, and as teacher trainer for bilingual education programs.

Andrea Rossi

Educational consultant
(Education Ministry of Chile).

Sandra Martínez Pérez
Sandra Martínez PérezLecturer/Senior researcher
She is a psychopedagogist. She has a PhD in education (University of Barcelona) and a Master’s Degree in «Intervention in Learning Disabilities» (University of Vic). She has teaching experience at different levels of university, professional training and teacher education. Her research focuses on educational technologies, inclusion, attention to diversity, competences and educational innovation. For more than 15 years, she collaborates in competitive local, national and international projects. She is now part of the L-Cloud project (Erasmus +). Currently she lectures at the University of Seville