La differece of being woman

Research and Teaching of History

Area: Documents

Petition of Brígida Terrera to the Ciento Council of BarcelonaAnonym.

Catalogue number
Barcelona Municipal Historical Archive. Deliberations of the Ciento Council, f. 171r - 172r. 1448, 11,16. Barcelona.

Brígida Terrera approaches the Ciento Council to request that it might take under its care and protection the reclusion of Santa Margarita, where she lives with other women devoted to divine service, without being subject to any obedience. The reclusion had begun one hundred years before, when a maiden shut herself away, and after her death sor Sança, companion of saint Brígida and then other women, lived there.


Resolution on the house of the recluses so that hereafter they might be under the custody of the town.

The fore-mentioned Monday of the month of November, gathered together in the house named of the Council XXX the honourable counsellors together with the council of Cien Jurados, held on day 16 of the month of November to respond to the requests made that day to the said Council. And at this council a petition was presented from sor Brígida who lives in the reclusion of Saint Margarita, which went as follows:

To the great wise men and very honourable Lords, advisors and Council of Cien Jurados of this town of Barcelona. With as much humility as she can, sor Brígida requests, unworthy and useless servant of Jesus Christ, who, for thirty continuous years, has been, is, and will be, while she lives, with the intention of being a recluse in the reclusion of Saint Margarita of the said town, a place given to and belonging to the service of God, built more than one hundred years ago by a certain honourable citizen of the said city in which a maiden daughter of his, inspired by the Holy Spirit, closed herself away in reclusion and finished her days gloriously there. And afterwards there lived in reclusion there a very devout woman called sor Sança, companion of Saint Brígida, and after, other women, who, in holy conversation throughout their lives, have continued the divine service commendably. That both she and the others who lived in the reclusion are not under any obedience nor any subjection but that rather they continue with their good purpose voluntarily. And out of the malice of the time it was supposed that some of them, out of diabolical suggestion and with the advice of some that visit them, they might vacillate and scandalise the others according to experience has already shown and still shows, this abuse would cease if they are subjected to some subjection. Therefore, the said sor Brígida begs with as much humility as she can that you receive her and accept the house of the said reclusion, as well as her and her companions, into a special care and protection of the Town. And name in succession some devout person who might visit them and that, with the knowledge and agreement of the very honourable advisors, they that take out from it those who deserve it and admit others who are worthy because of their devotion and that according to their possibilities can maintain themselves, given that they have nothing of their own save the charitable alms that the devout citizens and inhabitants of the town give them. And out of the works initiated by the honourable citizen and the laudable continuation of many others, the saviour of all the world, from the intercession of the Purísima Virgin Mother of His and from the devout request of the singular patron and lawyer of this town Saint Eulalia, this latter will prosper and its citizens and inhabitants will be preserved from all the problems and unfortunate events and it will give them in the happy city of paradise the desired-for glory.


Provisió feta a la casa de les rescluses que d.aquí avant sia sots custodia de la ciutat.

Lo dit dia de diluns que.s comptava del dit mes de noembre aiustats en la casa apellada del Concell de XXX los honorables consallers ensemps ab lo concell de Cent Jurats celebrat a XVI dies del dit mes de noembre a provehir les supplicacions offertes aquell jorn en lo dit Concell. E per ço com en lo dit concell fou donada una supplicacio per part de sor Brigida qui esta en lo resclusatge de Santa Margarida la qual supplicacio es de la tenor seguent.

A les grans savieses e molt honorables circunspeccions vostres mos senyors consellers e Consell de Cent Jurats de la present ciutat de Barchinona. Ab tanta humilitat com pot exposa sor Brígida indigna e inutil servidora de Jhesu Xrist la qual per spay de XXX anys continuus es estada e es e tant com visque ha en proposit d.esser resclusa en los resclusatge de Santa Margarida de la dita ciutat loch donat e propii al servei de Deu hedificat per espay de mes de cent anys per cert honorable ciutada de la dita ciutat en lo qual certa donzella filla sua inspirada per lo Sant Esperit se resclusi e aqui fini gloriosament sos dies. E apres si resclusi una molt devota dona apellada sor Sança, companyona de Santa Brígida e apres altres les quals en santa conversacio per tot lo temps de lur vida han loablement continuat lo servey divinal. Que com ella e les altres les quals apres se son meses en lo dit resclusatge no sien sots alguna obediencia ne stiguen supposades a alguna subieccio continuans voluntàriament lur bon propusit. E per malicia del temps se pogues seguir que algunes a suggestio diabolical e ab concell d.algunes qui les visiten porien en lur bon proposit vacillar e escandalizar les altres segons experiencia ha ja demostrat e encara demostre lo abus de la qual cosa cessaria si eren subiectas a alguna subiugacio. Per tant la dita sor Brigida ja sia per ses propies culpes no merexent esser admesa a gracia dexaudicio supplica ab tanta humilitat com pot sigui de vostra merce reebre e acceptar la casa del dit resclusatge e ella supplicant e ses companyones en special guarda e proteccio de la dita Ciutat. E deputar successivament alguna devota persona tement Deu la qual per sol esguard divinal las visitas e ab sabuda e assentiment dels molt honorables consellers ne tragues aquelles qui ho meresquessen e hi admetes aquelles merexent.ho per lur devocio e segons lurs pobreses porein sustenir com no haien res propi ans voluntariament de caritatives almoynes dels devots ciutadans e habitadors de la dita ciutat. E per les dites obres principiades per honorable ciutada e per loable continuacio de molt d.altres lo Salvador de tot lo kon per intercessio de la Purisima Verge Mara sua e per devota supplicacio de la singular patrona e advocada de la dita ciutat madona Santa Eulalia prosperara aquella e sos honorables ciutadans e habitadors els preservara de tots inconvenients e infortunis els dara en la joyosa ciutat de paradis la gloria desitjada.

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