The Tricontinental Lectures

  The Tricontinental Lecture Series is an initiative of the teachers of Postcolonial Studies in the English Department at Barcelona University


08-04-2013   Postcolonial Time: Lock the Gate or Pull Down the Silo?
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Bill Boyd, Southern Cross University, Australia


8.30-10 am, Room Capella

3-4.30 pm, Room 2.3


Sanskrit and the Hindu Deities: An Introduction

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Dra. Maria Elena Sierra, UB


10-11.30 am, Room 203

4.30-6 pm, Room 2.2



Unsettling Questions: the Settler Colonial Challenge

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Soenke Blermann, Southern Coss University, Australia


13 December 2011, 7.30-9 pm, Room 103a

15 December 2011, 1-2.30 pm, Room 4.1


The Cracked Jewel: Partition and the Sub-continent


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Stephanie Lonsdale


1-2.30 pm

Room 4.1

25-05-2011   Writing from No Man's Land: Literature in post-colonial Cyprus


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Stephanos Stephanides, Cyprus University


1-2.30 pm, Room 113

7.30-9 pm, Room 2.2



More information

  • Centre d'Estudis Australians
  • Universitat de Barcelona
    Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585
  • 08007 Barcelona
    Telèfon: 93 4035686
  • Fax: 93 3171249