Pathophysiology of Nervous System Diseases

Our team is dedicated to unraveling the complex mechanisms underlying neurological disorders, from Alzheimer's disease to Parkinson's disease and beyond. Through cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary collaboration, we're gaining invaluable insights into the molecular, cellular, and physiological changes that contribute to these conditions. Together, we're working towards innovative treatments and therapies to improve the lives of those affected by these disorders.

Our team is dedicated to unraveling the complex mechanisms underlying neurological disorders, from Alzheimer's disease to Parkinson's disease and beyond. Through cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary collaboration, we're gaining invaluable insights into the molecular, cellular, and physiological changes that contribute to these conditions. Together, we're working towards innovative treatments and therapies to improve the lives of those affected by these disorders.

Our team members are researching various aspects of Pathophysiology of Nervous System Diseases,

Experimental Neurology

Our team specializes in conducting cutting-edge research to unravel the complexities of the nervous system and understand the mechanisms underlying neurological disorders. Leveraging advanced experimental techniques and methodologies, we investigate various aspects of neurobiology, from neuronal function and synaptic plasticity to neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation. Our goal is to contribute to the development of novel therapeutic strategies for treating neurological diseases and ultimately improving patient outcomes.

Mental Health

We are committed to promoting mental well-being and advancing the understanding and treatment of mental health disorders. Our team conducts research, provides resources, and offers support services to individuals, families, and communities affected by mental illness. Through advocacy, education, and innovation, we strive to reduce stigma, increase access to care, and improve the overall quality of life for those living with mental health challenges.

Cognitive & Behavioural Neuroscience

Our team focuses on investigating the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive processes and behavior, with a particular emphasis on understanding how these processes can be modified through cognitive-behavioral interventions. By integrating principles from neuroscience, psychology, and psychiatry, we aim to develop a deeper understanding of mental health disorders and improve treatment outcomes. Through cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary collaboration, we are dedicated to advancing knowledge in this field and translating our findings into effective interventions that promote mental well-being.

Computational genomics

Our team specializes in leveraging computational methods and algorithms to analyze large-scale genomic data. By integrating techniques from computer science, statistics, and biology, we aim to unravel the complex relationships between genes, genetic variations, and disease phenotypes. Through our research, we seek to uncover novel insights into the genetic basis of diseases, identify potential therapeutic targets, and advance personalized medicine.

People working on this research line

Josep M. Canals Coll

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Jordi Abante

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Mohammad Usman

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