Blog de admin

Simple & Clean design

Sed aliquet, nisi eget ornare malesuada; ligula nunc iaculis sapien, eget mattis diam eros non sapien. Nam volutpat vehicula fringilla! Mauris imperdiet feugiat aliquam. Aenean at interdum velit. Curabitur elit urna, lobortis quis egestas et, consectetur dapibus orci. Pellentesque viverra posuere libero ac ornare? Pellentesque imperdiet tempus metus, in feugiat ligula volutpat sed. Curabitur sodales accumsan mi, id vehicula nisi volutpat dignissim. Aliquam et tincidunt justo. Cras cursus iaculis tincidunt. Quisque sodales elementum magna, et ultrices massa accumsan ut?

Drupal Accessibility Statement

As an inclusive community, we are committed to making sure that Drupal is an accessible tool for building websites and that Drupal helps you create websites that are themselves accessible.

This initiative started with advancements with Drupal 7 accessibility. We have committed to ensuring that all features of Drupal core conform with the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines: WCAG 2.0 and ATAG 2.0. Where possible we will also update the previous version of Drupal core, version 6, to enhance its accessibility.
Accessible Features in Drupal


Getting started with Drupal 7 administration

At the end of the installation process, the person who performed the installation is automatically logged into the site with the administrator account. You may see the administrator account referred to as User 1. This administrative account is automatically given all privileges for managing content and administering the site. The best practice is to only give a developer or the highest level of site admin access to this account. You can always grant users permissions by assigning them to certain roles, so there is no reason to share this account.
Where to start



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