CEREMET al workshop de Nutrició i Salut

CEREMET va participar en el workshop sobre Nutrició i Salut celebrat el dia 24 de gener al Palau Marianao de Sant Boi de Llobregat i organitzat per CataloniaBio & HealthTech, el Clúster de Nutrició i Salut, i el Clúster de Salut Mental de Catalunya. Aquesta sessió tindrà continuïtat en dos workshops més que es celebraran el 5 d’abril i el 9 de maig.

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David Ricart interviewed by Bosch i Gimpera

«The pharmaceutical industry has turned to the university to see what we are doing»

We have always focused on lipid metabolism, on its regulation, on how it works in different physiological situations, and so on, and this has led us to research lines related to morbid obesity, bariatric surgery and associated diseases such as diabetes, and heart conditions. This is the group’s core research activity, but for almost fifteen years we have also been conducting research for third parties as a scientific and technical service. We do this through CEREMET, the Centre for Research on Metabolism. We offer all the group’ s expertise and know-how in terms of methodology, consultancy, and management mostly to the pharmaceutical industry.

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