Sánchez-Romero, M., G. Abio, C. Patxot and G. Souto | "The Welfare State and the Demographic Dividends" | Demographic Research, 36 – 48, 1453-1490. |
Sánchez-Romero, M., Abio, G., Patxot, C. and Souto, G. | “Contribution of demography to economic growth” | SERIEs. Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13209-017-0164-y |
Raftopoulou, Athina | "Geographic determinants of individual obesity risk in Spain: A multilevel approach" | Economics & Human Biology, 24, 185–193. |
Gil, J., Sicras-Mainar A. & Zucchelli E. | “Uncontrolled diabetes and healthcare utilisation: panel data evidence from Spain” | European Journal of Health Economics (accepted paper) |
Dickmann, P., Keeping, S., Doring, N., Schmidt, AE, Binder, C., Arino-Blasco, S., Gil, J. | "Communicating the Risk of MRSA: The Role of Clinical Practice, Regulation and Other Policies in Five European Countries" | Frontiers in public health, 5, 55 |
Carabotta, L., Paluzie, E. and Ramos, R. | "Does fiscal responsibility matter? Evidence from public and private forecasters in Italy" | International Journal of Forecasting, 33 (3), 694-706. |
Abio, G., C. Patxot, E. Rentería and G. Souto | "Intergenerational transfers in Spain: The role of education" | Hacienda Pública Española, (forthcoming) |
Rentería, E., Souto, G., Mejía-Guevara, I., Patxot, C. | "The Effect of Education on the Demografic Dividend" | Population and Development Review, 42(4), 651-+ |
Rentería, E., Scandurra, R., Souto, G., Patxot, C. | “Intergenerational money and time transfers by gender in Spain: Who are the actual dependents?" | Demographic Research, 34, 689-704. |
Pujol-Jover, M., Riera-Prunera, C., Abío, G. | “Competences acquisition of university students: Do they match job market’s needs?” | Intangible Capital, 11(4), 612-626. |
Mora, T., Gil, J., Sicras-Mainar, A. | “The influence of obesity and overweight on medical costs: a panel data perspective" | European Journal of Health Economics, 16(2), 161-173. |
Bonin, H., Patxot, C., Souto, G. | “Cyclically-Neutral Generational Accounting" | Fiscal Studies, 35(2), 117 – 137. |
San Miguel, L., Augustin, U., Busse, R., Knai, C., Rubert, G., Sihvo, S., Baeten, R. | "Recognition of pharmaceutical prescriptions across the European Union: A comparison of five Member States' policies and practices" | Health Policy, 116(2-3), 206-213. |
Estevez, K., Levy, T. | "Intra-industry trade and the demand for child labor" | International Journal of Economic Theory, 10(3), 275-294. |
Solé, M., Panteli, D., Risso-Gill, I., Doring, N., Busse, R., McKee, R., Legido-Quigley, H. | "How do medical doctors in the European Union demonstrate that they continue to meet criteria for registration and licencing?" | Clinical Medicine, 14(6), 633-639. |
Sánchez-Romero, M.; Patxot, C.; Rentería, E.; Souto, G. | “On the Effects of Public and Private Transfers on Capital Accumulation: Some Lessons from the NTA Aggregates" | Journal of Population Economics, Series A, 26 (4), 1409 -1430, ISSN: 0933-1433 |
Tirado, D.A., Pons, J.,Paluzie, E., Martínez-Galarraga, J. | “Trade policy and wage gradients: evidence from a protectionist turn” | Cliometrica, 7(3), 295-318. |
San Miguel, L., Baeten, R., Remmen, R., Busse, R., Gil, J., Knai, C., Makinen, M., Rubert, G., McKee, M. | "Obstacles to the recognition of medical prescriptions issued in one EU country and presented in another" | European Journal of Public Health, 23(6), 972-974. |
Costa-Font, J., Gil, J. | "Intergenerational and socioeconomic gradients of child obesity" | Social Science & Medicine, 93, 29-37. |
Mora, T., Gil, J. | "Peer Effects in Adolescent BMI: Evidence from Spain" | Health Economics, 22(5), 501-516. |
Gil, J., López-Casasnovas, G., Mora, T. | "Taxation of unhealthy consumption of food and drinks: An updated literature review" | Hacienda Pública Española-Review of Public Economics, 207, 119-140. |
Estevez, Kristian | "Childhood Poverty: Multidisciplinary Approaches" | European Journal of Development Research, 25(3), 497-498. |
Solé, M., Díaz-Serrano, L., Rodríguez, M. | "Disparities in work, risk and health between immigrants and native-born Spaniards" | Social Science & Medicine, 76, 179-187. |
Patxot, C., Rentería, E., Romero, MS, Souto, G. | "Measuring the balance of government intervention on forward and backward family transfers using NTA estimates: the modified Lee arrows" | International Tax and Public Finance, 19(3), 442-461. |
Marín-Solano, J., Patxot, C. | "Heterogeneous discounting in economic problems" | Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 33(1), 32-50. |
Sicras-Mainar, A., Gil, J., Mora, T., Ayma, J. | "Prevalence and economic impact of obesity in adults during 2003-2010" | Medicina Clínica, 139(13), 599-600. |
Sicras-Mainar, A., Gil, J., Mora, T., Navarro-Artieda, R., Ayma, J. | "Healthcare use and costs associated with obesity in Badalona, Spain: a study protocol" | BMJ Open, 2(1), e000547. |
Legido-Quigley, H., Panteli, D., Brusamento, S., Knai, C., Saliba, V., Turk, E., Solé, M., et al. | "Clinical guidelines in the European Union: Mapping the regulatory basis, development, quality control, implementation and evaluation across member states" | Health Policy, 107(2-3), 146-156. |
Lafourcade, M., Paluzie, E. | "European Integration, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and the Geography of French Trade" | Regional Studies, 45(4), 419-439, PII 924321419. |
Gil, J., Mora, T. | "The determinants of misreporting weight and height: The role of social norms" | Economics & Human Biology, 9(1), 78-91. |
Costa-Font, J., Gemmill, M., Rubert, G. | "Biases in the healthcare luxury good hypothesis?: a meta-regression analysis" | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A-Statistics in Society, 174, 95-107. |
Estevez, Kristian | "Nutritional efficiency wages and child labor" | Economic Modelling, 28(4), 1793-1801. |
Costa-Font, J., Costa-Font, M. | "Explaining Optimistic Old Age Disability and Longevity Expectations" | Social Indicators Research, 104(3), 533-544. |
Costa-Font, J., Hernández-Quevedo, C., McGuire, A. | "Persistence despite action? Measuring the patterns of health inequality in England (1997-2007)" | Health policy, 103(2-3), 149-59. |
Costa-Font, Joan | "Behavioural Welfare Economics: Does 'Behavioural Optimality' Matter?" | Cesifo Economic Studies, 57(4), 551-559. |
Costa-Font, J., Gemmill Toyama, M. | "Does cost sharing really reduce inappropriate prescriptions among the elderly? | Health policy, 101(2), 195-208. |
Costa-Font, J., Salvador-Carulla, L., Cabases, JM, Alonso, J., McDaid, D. | "Tackling Neglect and Mental Health Reform in a Devolved System of Welfare Governance" | Journal of Social Policy, 40, 295-312, Part: 2. |
Gouret, F; Hollard, G. | When Kahneman meets Manski: Using dual systems of reasoning to interpret subjective expectations of equity" | Journal of Applied Econometrics, 26(3):371-392. |
Gouret, F; Hollard, G. Rossignol, S. | "An empirical analysis of valence in electoral competition" | Social Choice and Welfare, 37:309-340. |
Costa-Font, J., Fabbri, D., Gil, J. | "Decomposing cross-country differences in levels of obesity and overweight: Does the social environment matter?" | Social Science & Medicine, 70(8), 1185-1193. |
Costa-Font, J., Gil, J., Mascarilla, O. | "Housing Wealth and Housing Decisions in Old Age: Sale and Reversion" | Housing Studies, 25(3), 375-395, PII 921694733. |
Diaz-Serrano, L.; Stoyanova, A. | "Mobility and housing satisfaction: an empirical analysis for 12 EU countries" | Journal of Economic Geography, 10(5), 661-683. |
Solé, M., Rodríguez, M. | "Disparities in the effect of working conditions on health between immigrant and native-born populations in Spain" | Gaceta Sanitaria, 24(2), 145-150. |
Breyer, F., Costa-Font, J., Felder, S. | "Ageing, health, and health care" | Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 26(4), 674-690. |
Costa-Font, Joan | "Family ties and the crowding out of long-term care insurance" | Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 26(4), 691-712. |
Costa-Font, Joan | "Devolution, Diversity and Welfare Reform: Long-term Care in the 'Latin Rim'" | Social Policy & Administration 44(4), 481-494. |
Banting, K., Costa-Font, J. | "Decentralization, welfare, and social citizenship in contemporary democracies Introduction" | Environment and Planning C-Government and Policy, 28(3), 381-388. |
Costa-Font, J. | "Does devolution lead to regional inequalities in welfare activity?" | Environment and Planning C-Government and Policy, 28(3), 435-449. |
Salvador-Carulla, L., Costa-Font, J., Cabases, J., McDaid, D., Alonso, J. | "Evaluating Mental Health Care and Policy in Spain" | Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 13(2), 73-86. |
Costa-Font, Joan | "The Politics of European Union Health Policies" | Journal of European Social Policy, 20(2), 170-170. |
Bruckner, M.; Ciccone, A. | "Rain and the Democratic Window of Opportunity" | Econometrica, 79(3), 923-947. |
Bruckner, M. | "Natural resource dependence, non-tradables, and economic growth" | Journal of Comparative Economics, 38(4), 461-471. |
Bruckner, M. | "Population Size and Civil Conflict Risk: Is there a Causal Link?" | Economic Journal, 120(544), 535-550. |
Bruckner, M., Gerling, K., Gruener, HP. | "Wealth inequality and credit markets: evidence from three industrialized countries" | Journal of Economic Growth, 15(2), 155-176. |
Bruckner, M., Ciccone, A. | "International Commodity Prices, Growth and the Outbreak of Civil War in Sub-Saharan Africa" | Economic Journal, 120, 544, 519-534. |
Paluzie, E., Pons, J., Silvestre, J., Tirado, DA | "Migrants and market potential in Spain over the twentieth century: a test of the new economic geography" | Spanish Economic Review, 11(4), 243-265. |
Paluzie, E., Pons, J., Tirado, DA | "A test of the market potential equation in Spain" | Applied Economics, 41(12), 1487-1493, PII 789138046. |
Costa-Font, J., Fabbri, D., Gil, J. | "Decomposing body mass index gaps between Mediterranean countries: A counterfactual quantile regression analysis" | Economics & Human Biology, 7(3), 351-365. |
Costa-Font, J., Gil, J. | "Exploring the pathways of inequality in health, health care access and financing in decentralized Spain" | Journal of European Social Policy, 19(5), 446-458. |
Stoyanova, A., Díaz-Serrano, L. | "El impacto diferencial del capital social sobre la salud mental de la poblacion autoctona y los inmigrantes residentes en Cataluna" | Gaceta sanitaria, 23(1), 93-9. |
Costa-Font, J. | "Scaling up Health Service Delivery: From Pilot Innovations to Policies and Programmes" | International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 24(4), 366-367. |
Costa-Font, J., Kanavos, P. | "For whose benefit is trade in medicines in the European Union?" | Trimestre Económico, 76(302), 331-347. |
Costa-Font, J., Elvira, D., Mascarilla-Miró, O. | 'Ageing in Place'? Exploring Elderly People's Housing Preferences in Spain | Urban Studies, 46(2), 295-316. |
Costa-Font, J., Font, M. | "Does 'early purchase' improve the willingness to pay for long-term care insurance?" | Applied Economics Letters, 16(13), 1301-1305. |
Costa-Font, J., Mossialos, E., Rudisill, C. | "Optimism and the perceptions of new risks" | Journal of Risk Research, 12(1), 27-41. |
Costa-Font, J., Wittenberg, R., Patxot, C., Comas-Herrera, A, Gori, C., di Maio, A., Pickard, L., Pozzi, A., Rothgang, H. | "Projecting long-term care expenditure in four European Union member states: The influence of demographic scenarios" | Social Indicators Research, 86(2), 303-321. |
Martínez-Galarraga, J., Paluzie, E., Pons, J., Tirado-Fabregat, DA | "Agglomeration and labour productivity in Spain over the long term" | Cliometrica, 2(3), 195-212. |
Tirado, DA, Pons, J., Paluzie, E., Silvestre, J. | "Bargaining over a new welfare state: A model of the regional distribution of New Deal funds" | Journal of Economic History, 68(2), 616-616. |
Costa-Font, J., Gil, J. | "Would Socio-Economic Inequalities in Depression Fade Away with Income Transfers?" | Journal of Happiness Studies, 9(4), 539-558. |
Costa-Font, J., Gil, J. | "Generational effects and gender height dimorphism in contemporary Spain" | Economics & Human Biology, 6(1), 1-18. |
Costa-Font, J., Gil, J. | "What lies behind socio-economic inequalities in obesity in Spain? A decomposition approach" | Food Policy, 33(1), 61-73. |
Rodríguez, M., Stoyanova, A. | "Changes in the demand for private medical insurance following a shift in tax incentives" | Health Economics, 17(2), 185-202. |
Costa-Font, J., García-González, A., Font-Vilalta, M. | "Relative Income and Attitudes towards Long-Term Care Financing" | Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice, 33(4), 673-693. |
Costa-Font, J., Mladowsky, P. | "Social capital and the social formation of health-related preferences and behaviours" | Health Economics Policy and Law, 3(4), SI, 413-427. |
Costa-Font, J., Rudisill, C., Mossialos, E. | "Attitudes as an expression of knowledge and "political anchoring": The case of nuclear power in the United Kingdom" | Risk Analysis, 28(5), 1273-1287. |
Costa-Font, J. | "Housing assets and the socio-economic determinants of health and disability in old age" | Health & Place, 14(3), 478-491. |
Costa-Font, J., Jofre-Bonet, M. | "Is there a 'secession of the wealthy'? Private health insurance uptake and National Health System support" | Bulletin of Economic Research, 60(3), 265-287. |
Kanavos, P., Costa-Font, J., Seeley, E., Zweimuller, J. | "Competition in off-patent drug markets: Issues, regulation and evidence" | Economic Policy, 55, 500-544. |
Costa-Font, J. | "Who is willing to pay for long-term care insurance in Catalonia?" | Health Policy, 86(1), 72-84. |
Costa-Font, J., Mossialos, E., Rudisill, C. | "Are Feelings of Genetically Modified Food Politically Driven?" | Risk Management - An International Journal, 10(3), SI, 218-234. |
Aspachs-Bracons, O., Clots-Figueras, I., Costa-Font, J., Masella, M. | "Compulsory language educational policies and identity formation" | Journal of the European Economic Association, 6(2-3), 434-444. |
Mossialos, E., Costa-Font, J., Rudisill, C. | "Does organ donation legislation affect individuals' willingness to donate their own or their relative's organs? Evidence from European Union survey data" | BMC Health Services Research, 8(4)8 |
Costa-Font, J., Moscone, F. | "The impact of decentralization and inter-territorial interactions on Spanish health expenditure" | Empiricals Economics, 34(1), 67-184. |
Pickard, L., Comas-Herrera, A., Costa-Font, J., Gori, C., di Maio, A., Patxot, C., Pozzi, A., Rothgang, H., Wittenberg, R. | "Modelling an entitlement to long-term care services for older people in Europe: projections for long-term care expenditure to 2050" | Journal of European Social Policy, 17(1), 33-48. |
Pons, J., Paluzie, E., Silvestre, J., Tirado, DA | "Testing the new economic geography: Migrations and industrial agglomerations in Spain" | Journal of Regional Science, 47(2), 289-313. |
Gil, J., López-García, MA., Onrubia, J., Patxot, C., Souto, G. | "A projection model of the contributory pension expenditure of the spanish social security system: 2004-2050" | Hacienda Pública Española, 182, 75-114. |
Costa-Font, J., Puig-Junoy, J. | "Institutional change, innovation and regulation failure: evidence from the Spanish drug market" | Policy and Politics, 35(4), 701-718. |
Gemmill, M., Costa-Font, J., McGuire, A. | "In search of a corrected prescription drug elasticity estimate: A meta-regression approach" | Health Economics, 16(6), 627-643 |
Costa-Font, J., Kanavos, P., Rovira, J. | "Determinants of out-of-pocket pharmaceutical expenditure and access to drugs in Catalonia" | Applied Economics, 39(4-6), 541-551 |
Costa-Font, J., Mossialos, E. | Are perceptions of 'risks' and 'benefits' of genetically modified food (in)dependent? | Food Quality and Preference, 18(2), 173-182 |
Costa-Font, J., Pons-Novell, J. | "Public health expenditure and spatial interactions in a decentralized national health system" | Health Economics, 16( 3), 291-306 |
Costa-Font, J., Kanavos, P. | "Constrained competition in parallel drug importation: the case of simvastatin in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom" | Gaceta Sanitaria, 21(1), 53-59 |
Mimondo, A., Rubert, G. | "The effect of outsourcing on the demand for skills in the Spanish manufacturing industry" | Applied Economics Letters, 13(9), 599-604. |
Costa-Font, J., Rico, A. | "Devolution and the interregional inequalities in health and healthcare in Spain" | Regional Studies, 40(8), 875-887. |
Costa-Font, J., Mascarilla, O., Elvira, D. | "Means testing and the heterogeneity of housing assets: Funding long-term care in Spain" | Social Policy & Administration, 40(5), 543-559. |
Costa-Font, J., Rico, A. | "Vertical competition in the Spanish national health system (NHS)" | Public Choice, 128(3-4), 477-498. |
Comas-Herrera, A., Wittenberg, R., Costa-Font, J., Gori, C., di Maio, A., Patxot, C. et al. | "Future long-term care expenditure in Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom" | Ageing & Society, 26, 285-302. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J “Simultaneity, asymmetric devolution and economic incentives in Spanish regional elections” Regional and federal studies, 19 (1). pp. 165-184 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J “Factores que influyen en el Gasto Sanitario” Jano, 1731:33-37 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J “Do Incentives, Complexity and the demand for Leisure explain Caesarean-Section Deliveries?” International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 36 No. 9 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J ; LOPEZ-CASANOVAS, G; McDAID, D “Decentralisation and Management Autonomy? Evidence from the Catalonian Hospital Sector in a Decentralised Spain” International Public Management Review 10(2): 103-119 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; COSTA, M “Does ‘early purchase’ improve the willingness to pay for long-term care insurance?” Applied Economics Letters 16:13, 1301-1305 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; COSTA, M “Heterogeneous ‘Adaptation’ and ‘Income Effects’ across Self-Reported Health Distribution?” Journal of Socio-Economics 38(4): 574-580. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; FONT-VILALTA, M “Risk Perceptions, Myopia and the Willingness to Pay for Long Term Care Insurance in Catalonia” Applied Economics Letters, 16(3): 1301 – 1305 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; GARCIA,J “Risk Attitudes and the Demand for Private Health Insurance: The importance of ‘Captive Preferences’” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 80(4); 499-521 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; KANAVOS, P “¿A quien beneficia el comercio paralelo de medicamentos en la Unión Europea?” El Trimestre Económico 76(2): 331-347 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; MOSSIALOS, E; RUDISILL, C “When is the Internet a valued communication device for health information in Europe?” Economics of Innovation and New Technology 18(5): 429-445 |
COSTA-I-FONT, MOSSIALOS, E; RUDISILL, C “Optimism and the perceptions of new risks,” Journal of Risk Research, 2009, 12(1): 27-41. |
COSTA-I-FONT; CABASES HITA, J; ALONSO, J; SALVADOR-CARULLA, L “New and old challenges in the reform of mental health systems in Spain” Eurohealth , 14(4): 14-18. |
GARCIA, A “El copagament en el sistema de serveis socials català. Criteris en la fixació de barems” Quaderns d’Acció Social i Ciutadania, 4: 59-61 |
GIL, J; COSTA-I-FONT, J; FABBRI,D “Decomposing Body Mass Index Gaps Between Mediterranean Countries: A Counterfactual Quantile Regression Analysis”. Economics and Human Biology (Dec. 2009), 7(3) 351–365 |
GIL,J; COSTA-I-FONT, J “Exploring the Pathways of Inequality in Health, Health Care Access and Financing in Decentralised Spain,” Journal of European Social Policy, 2009, 19 (5) 446-458 |
MASCARILLA, O “La ineficacia de los estados en la corrección de los fallos del mercado mundial” Cuadernos de Economía. Vol. 32, Núm. 88, enero-abril, 2009, págs. 063-080 |
MASCARILLA, O “The commodity markets” Paradigmes –Innovació, Universitats i Empresa: Generalitat de Catalunya , núm. 2 pp: 25-34 |
MASCARILLA, O; COSTA-I-FONT, J “La hipoteca inversa com a instrument de finançament de la vellesa a Catalunya” Quaderns d’Acció Social i Ciutadania: revista d’informació, análisis i investigación socials 4:70-77 |
MASCARILLA, O; COSTA-I-FONT, J; ELVIRA, D “ ‘Ageing in Place’? An Examination of Elderly people housing preferences in Spain”, Urban Studies, 2009, 46(2) 295–316. |
PALUZIE, E; PONS, J; SILVESTRE, J; TIRADO, D.A “Migrants and market potential in Spain over the twentieth century: a test of the new economic geography”, Spanish Economic Review, Volume 11, Number 4 |
PALUZIE,E; PONS,J; TIRADO, D.A “A test of the market potential equation en Spain” Applied Economics, 41, pp. 1487-1493 |
STOYANOVA, A; DIAZ-SERRANO, L “Mobility and Housing Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis for Twelve EU Countries” Journal of Economic Geography |
STOYANOVA, A; DIAZ-SERRANO, L “El impacto diferencial del capital social sobre la salud mental de la población autóctona y los inmigrantes residentes en Cataluña” Gaceta Sanitaria; 23:93-99 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; RUDISILL, C; MOSSIALOS, E ‘Attitudes as an expression of knowledge and “political anchoring”: the case of nuclear power in the United Kingdom.’ Risk Analysis. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 28 (5). pp. 1273-1288. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; JOFRE-BONET, M ‘Is there a secession of the wealthy? Private health insurance uptake and National Health system support’ . Bulletin of economic research. John Wiley and Sons, 60 (3). pp. 265-287. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J ‘Housing assets and the socio-economic determinants of health and disability in old age’. Health & Place 14, no. 3 (2008), pp. 478-491. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J ’On risk, attitudes and behaviour’. Risk management 10, no. 3 pp. 153-155 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; KANAVOS , P; SEELY, E ‘Competition in off-patent drug markets: issues, regulation and evidence.’ Economic policy 23, no. 55 , p. 499. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; ASPACHS, O; CLOTS-FIGUERES, I; MASSELLA, P ‘Compulsory language educational policies and identity formation.’ Journal of European Economic Association 6, no. 2-3 (2008), pp. 434-444. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J ; MOSCONE, F ‘The impact of decentralization and interterritorial interactions on Spanish health expenditure.’ Empirical Economics 34, no. 1 (2008), pp. 167-184. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; ROVIRA-FORMS, J; ‘Who is willing to pay for long-term care insurance in Catalonia?’ Health Policy 84, no. 1 (2008), pp. 72-84. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J, GARCIA, A ”Un model mixt de finançament dels serveis socials”, Quaderns d’Acció Social i Ciutadania, núm.1, pp. 42-44 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; FONT-VILALTA, M, GARCIA, A ‘Relative Income and Attitudes towards Long Term care Financing’. Geneva Papers of Risk and Insurance, 2008, 33 (4): 673-693(21). |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; GIL J ‘Una Exploración de las Desigualdades Socioeconómicas en Morbilidad en España’. Cuadernos Económicos del ICE no. 75 (Juny 2008): 43-63. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; GIL, J ‘What lies behind socio-economic inequalities in obesity in Spain?’. A decomposition approach. Food Policy, 33(1) (Feb. 2008): 61-73. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; GIL, J ‘Generational Effects and Gender Height Dimorphism in Contemporary Spain’. Economics and Human Biology, vol. 6(1) (March 2008): 1-18. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; GIL, J ‘Would Socio-Economic Inequalities in Depression Fade Away with Income Transfers?’ Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 9(4): 539-558. |
GARCIA, ANNA ‘El copagament en el sistema de serveis socials catala. Criteris en la fixació de barems” Quaderns d’Acció Social i Ciutadania. |
GOURET, F; BIGNEBAT, C ‘Determinants and consequences of soft budget constraints : An empirical analysis using enterprise-level data in transition countries’, Economics of Transition, 16(3), pp.503-535. |
MASCARILLA, O ‘La riqueza inmobiliaria y el diseño de políticas sociales’. Revista de Estudios Sociales – Zerbitzuan. ISNN 1134-7147. Gobierno Vasco. |
MASCARILLA, O ‘Agglomeration of firma into Technological Districts: the case of 22@ Project in Barcelona’. Cuadernos de Economía. Vol 31, nº 85 enero-abril 2008. |
PALUZIE, E; PONS, J; TIRADO, D.A; MARTINEZ, J ‘Agglomeration and labour productivity in Spain over the long term’ ,Cliometrica, Vol. 2 (3), 195-212. |
PALUZIE, E ‘Finançament insuficient i dèficit fiscal creixent: el taló d’Aquil·lees del Sistema català de serveis socials.’ Quadrens d’Acció Social i Ciutadania |
PATXOT, C;SOUTO, G; MORAL ‘La sostenibilidad del sistema de pensiones de la Seguridad Social en España: Una primera aproximación a partir de la MCVL’ Revista de Economia Aplicada, Número E-1 (vol. XVI), 2008, pàgs. 29 a 66. |
PETRIVA STOYANOVA, A; RODRIGUEZ, M ‘Changes in the demand for private medical insurance following a shift in tax incentives’, Health Economics 2008,17, 185-202. |
PETRIVA STOYANOVA, A; RODRIGUEZ, M; PINILLA, J ‘El mapa por edades de las desigualdades en salud y utilización de servicios sanitarios en España’ ,Cuadernos ICE 2008, 75: 21-42 |
PETRIVA STOYANOVA, A; PINILLA, J ‘Nuevas reformas de organización empresarial en el mercado español de servicios dentales’, Revista de Administración Sanitaria 2008, 6(2): 339-356. |
PONS, J; TIRADO, D.A ‘Los determinantes de la desigualdad económica regional en España’. Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía, 842, 195-216. |
RUBERT, G; MINONDO, A ‘El efecto del outsourcing de la industria manufacturera española en su demanda relativa de trabajadores cualificados (1986-94)’ Economia Industrial |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; PUIG-JUNOY,J “Institutional Change, Innovation and Regulation Failure: Evidence from the Spanish Drug Market,” Policy and Politics, 35(4): 701-718. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; ROVIRA, J; KANAVOS, P “Determinants of out-of-pocket pharmaceutical expenditure and access to drugs in Catalonia”. Applied Economics, Volume 39, Issue 5 March 2007 , pages 541 – 551 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; MOSSIALOS, E “Are perceptions of risk and benefits of genetically modified food independent?” Food Quality and Preference, 18 (2), 173-182. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; KANAVOS, J “Importaciones paralelas de medicamentos: el caso de la Simvastaina en Alemania, Holanda y el Reino Unido”.Gaceta Sanitaria, 21 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; RUBERT, G “¿Es la globalización económica perjudicial para la salud?”. Comercio Exterior. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; PONS, J “Public health expenditure and spatial interactions in a decentralized National Health System” Health Economics, 16, 291-306 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; GEMMILL, M; MCGUIRE, A “In search of a corrected prescription drug elasticity estimate: a meta-regression approach”. Health Economics, 16(6): 627-643 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; GARCIA, A “Long-term care reform in Spain” Eurohealth, 2007, 3 (1): 20-22 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; KANAVOS, P; MCGUIRE, A “Product differentiation, competition and regulation of new drugs: the case of statins in four European countries”. Managerial and Decision Economics |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; GEMMIL, M; KANAVOS, P “Insurance coverage and the heterogenity of health and drug spending in the United States” Geneva Papers of Risk and Insurance, 31:669-691 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; PICKARD, L; COMAS-HERRERA, A; GORI, C; DI MAIO, A; PATXOT, C; POZZI, A; ROTHGANG, H; WITTENBERG, R. “Modelling an entitlement to long-term care services for older people in Europe: projections for longterm care expenditure to 2050”. Journal of European Social Policy, 17 (1), 33-48. |
GIL, J; LOPEZ-GARCIA, M.A; ONRUBIA, J; PATXOT, C; SOUTO, G “A projection model of the contributory pension expenditure of the Spanish Social Security System: 2004-2050”. Hacienda Pública Española/Revista de Economía Pública, 182, (3), 75-116. |
GOURET, F ‘Privatization and output behavior during the transition : Methods matter !’, Journal of Comparative Economics , 35(1), pp.3-34 (lead article). |
PALUZIE, E; PONS, J; SILVESTRE, J; TIRADO, D.A “Testing the New Economic Geography. Migrations and Industrial Agglomerations in Spain”. Journal of Regional Science, vol 47 (2). |
PONS, J “La inversió en infraestructures a l’efecte de la disposició adicional tercera de l’Estatut de Catalunya” Perspectiva Econòmica de Catalunya, 234, 79-83. |
PONS, J; TIRADO, D.A. “Is there life beyond the ISI Journal lists? The International impacto f Spanish, Italian, French ang German economic journals” Applied Economics, 41 |
STOYANOVA, A; MLADOVSKY, P “Migrant Health policies in Spain”, Euro Observer 2007, 9(4), 7-8. |
STOYANOVA, A: RODRIGUEZ, M “La despesa en salut pública a Catalunya”, Generalitat de Catalunya |
STOYANOVA, A; PINILLA, J “El mercat de serveis dentals a Catalunya: Anàlisi de les noves formes de negoci amb especial atenció a les franquícies i assegurances dentals”. COEC, febrer 2007 |
ABIO, G “Population aging and the sustainability of the Spanish National Health system: some financial policy alternatives”. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice, 31:557-580 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; PONS, J “Design limitations of long-term care insurance schemes: A comparative study of the situation in Spain”, International Social Security Review,59: 91-100. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; PATXOT, C “Future long-term care expenditure in Germany, Spain, Italy and United Kingdom” Ageing and Society, 26: 285-302 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J “A note on the feasibility of a monetary area in the East Asia” Asia Europe Journal,4:153-158 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; RODRIGUEZ, E “Path dependency and the allocation of public investment in Mexico” Environmental and Planning C: Government and Policy,24: 297-331 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; MASSIALOS, E “Which policies effectively enable smoking cessation? Evidence from the European Union” International Journal of Social Economics,33: 77-100 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; MASSIALOS, E “The public as a limit to technology transfer: The influence of knowledge and beliefs in attitudes towards biotechnology in UK”. Journal of Technology Transfer, 31: 629-645 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; MASCARILLA, O; ELVIRA, D “Means testing and the heterogeneity of housing assets: Funding long-term care in Spain” Social Policy and Administration,40: 543-559 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; GIL, J “Revisiting the ‘Fat and Jolly’ hypothesis: socioenvironmental of obesity and depression in Spain” Socio-Economic Review, 4: 513-542 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; RICO, A “Vertical competition in the Spanish National Health System (NHS)” Public Choice,128: 447-498 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; MASSIALOS, E; COSTA, M “Erring on the side of caution? The heterogeneity of public perceptions of biotechnology applications in the European Union” Journal of Economic Issues, 40:767-777 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; JOFRE-BONET, M “Are private health insurance subscribers unsatisfied with the Spanish National Health System?” Geneva Papers of Risk and Insurance, 31: 650-668 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; KANAVOS, P “¿A quién beneficia el comercio paralelo de medicamentos en la Unión Europea” El trimestre económico |
COSTA, J; MASCARILLA, O “Riquesa immobiliària i finançament de la dependència a Catalunya” Nota d’Economia, 85: 81-93. |
GIL, J “El sistema de pensions a Catalunya: trets diferencials amb Espanya” Nota d’Economia,85: 65-79 |
RUBERT, G; MINONDO, A “The effect of outsourcing on the demand for skills in the Spanish manufacturing industry” Applied Economics Letters, 13: 599-604. |
PALUZIE, E; PONS, J; TIRADO, D.A “Los cambios en la localización de la actividad industrial en España, 1850-1936” Revista de Historia Industrial, 33: 41-63 |
PALUZIE, E; PONS, J; TIRADO, D; SILVESTRE, J “Were Spanish migrants attracted by industrial agglomerations? An analysis for the interwar years in the light of the New Economic Geography” Journal of Regional Science, 46: 289-313. |
PATXOT, C; COMAS-HERRERA, A; WITTENBERG, R; COSTA-I-FONT, J; GORI, C; DI MAIO, A; PICKARD, L; ROTHGANG, H ‘Future long-term care expenditure in Germany, Spain, Italy and the U.K.’ Ageing and Society 26, no. 2 (2006), pp. 285-382. |
PONS, J; TIRADO, D.A “Specialisation and asymmetries in the macroeconomic fluctuations: Evidence for the European regions” Regional Studies, 40: 695-706. |
PONS, J; TIRADO, D.A “Discontinuidades en el crecimiento económico en el periodo 1870-1994: España en perspectiva comparada” Revista de Economía Aplicada, 40:167-156. |
PONS, J; VILADECANS, E “Cities and the Internet: The end of distance?” Journal of Urban Technology, 13:109-131. |
PONS, J “An analysis of a panel of Spanish GDP forecasts” Applied Economics, 38:1287-1292 |
PONS, J; ROMAN, C; TIRADO, D.A “¿Quién publica en las revistas españolas de economía? Seis años después”.Revista de Economía Aplicada, 41, 135-159 |
PONS, J; TIRADO, D.A “El impacto exterior de las revistas españolas de economía” Revista de Historia Económica – Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 2ª época, 1175-197 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J ‘Inequalities in self reported health within Spanish regional health services: devolution re-examined?’ International Journal of Health Planning and Management 20, no. 1, pp. 41-52. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; MOSSIALOS, E ”Ambivalent individual preferences towards biotechnology in the European Union: products or processes?’ Journal of Risk Research 8, no. 4 (2005), pp. 341 – 354. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; LOPEZ-CASANOVAS, G; PLANAS, I ‘Diversity and regional inequalities: Assessing the outcomes of the Spanish ‘system of health care services’.’ Health Economics 14, S1, pp. S221-S235. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; ROVIRA, J ‘Eliciting preferences for collectively financed health programmes: the ‘willingness to assign’ approach.’ Applied Economics 37, no. 14 (2005), pp. 1571-1583. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; MOSSIALOS, E ‘Is dread of genetically modified food associated with the consumers demand for information?’ Applied Economics Letters 12, no. 14, pp. 859-863. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; RODRIGUEZ-OREGGIA, E ‘Is the impact of public investment neutral across the regional income distribution? Evidence from Mexico.’ Economic Geography 81, no. 3, pp. 305-322. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; GIL, J ‘Obesity and the incidence of chronic diseases in Spain: a seemingly unrelated probit approach.’ Economics and Human Biology 3, no. 2 pp. 188-214. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; KANAVOS, P ‘Pharmaceutical parallel trade in Europe: Stakeholders and competition effects.’ Economic Policy 20, no. 44, pp. 753-798 |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; RICO, A ‘Power rather than path dependency? The dynamics of institutional change under health care federalism.’ Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 30, no. 1, pp. 231-252. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; PATXOT, C ‘The design of the long-term care system in Spain: policy and financial constraints.’ Social Policy and Society 4, no. 1, pp. 11-20. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; RODRIGUEZ-OREGGIA, E ‘Trade and the effect of public investment on regional inequalities in heterogeneously integrated areas.’ World Economy 28, no. 6, pp. 873-892. |
COSTA-I-FONT, J; ROVIRA, J ‘When do smokers ‘underestimate’ smoking related mortality risks?’ Applied Economics Letters 12, no. 13, pp. 789-794. |
COSTA-I-FONT; J TREMOSA-BALCELLS, R “Does Trade Foster Regional Economic Activity? Aggregate Evidence from Sapnish Regions” International Journal Applied Economics |
MASCARILLA, O; YEGOROV, Y “Modelling Functional area and commuting Flows”, Cuadernos de Economía Vol. 28, 027-044 |
PALUZIE, E; PONS, J; TIRADO, D.A “Potencial de mercado y estructura espacial de los salarios en las regiones españolas, 1955-1995”, Cuadernos Aragoneses de Economía. |
PONS, J “Balance económico regional 1995-2002: ¿Podemos estar todos los españoles satisfechos?”, Información comercial Española. Revista de Economía, 825, pp.211-221. |
PONS, J; TREMOSA-BALCELLS, R “Macroeconomic effects of Catalan fiscal deficit with Spain (2002-2010)”.Applied Economics, 37, 1455-1463 |
RUBERT, G; MINONDO, A “Una revisión de la literatura sobre los efectos del comercio internacional y el outsourcing en la demanda relativa de trabajadores poco cualificados en los países desarrollados” Cuadernos de Economía Vol. 28, nº 76, enero-abril. |
STOYANOVA, A “Equitat i utilització dels serveis de metges generals, especialistes i dentistes a Espanya” , La Revista de COEC 2005, 122 (setembre-octubre), p. 22-40 |
STOYANOVA, A “Equidad y utilización de la odontología pública en España”, Dental Economics, vol. 11 (6), Nov.-Des. 2005, p. 277-286 |