The newests volume of the Springer Handbook of Auditory Research: The Frequency Following Response: A Window into Human Communication, edited by Nina Kraus, Samira Anderson, Travis White-Schwoch, Richard R. Fay, and Arthur N. Popper, is now available by January 2017.
The book features a chapter authored by Carles Escera, entitled “The Role of the Auditory Brainstem in Regularity Encoding and Deviance Detection“. In this chapter, Escera reviews recent studies performed in experimental animals and by the Brainlab in human participants that suggest that regularity encoding and deviance detection in a fundamental property of the entiry auditory system. It is argued that even deep structures in the subcortical auditory system, such as the inferior colliculus, can perform complex computational operations, supporting a kind of “primitive” auditory intelligence.
We kindly appreciate the invitation by Nina Kraus and colleagues to contribute to this incomparable enterprise.