I graduated in Physics and took my M.Sc. in Medical Physics at the Universities of Crete and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, respectively. During the years of my Master, my interest focused mainly on neuroimaging techniques and specifically fMRI, as a main tool for approaching neuroscientific questions. Consequently, my Master’s thesis, under the supervision of Dr. Thomas Maris, was focused on analysing visual fMRI data with the use of three different fMRI analysis software tools, in order to check the reliability and reproducibility of the results. After the completion of my master studies, I worked as a research assistant at the Foundation of Research and Technology, in Heraklion, Crete, under the supervision of Dr. Helen Savaki. During these years, my research interests focused on a variety of neuroscientific subjects including the Theory of Mind and the investigation of emotional and perspective processes. Specifically, I participated in projects exploring the neural correlates of assigning meaning to the actions of others and the brain correlates of emotion processing under the influence of a social context.
Currently, I am a PhD Student at Brainlab, in the SUBEMO project, part of the Cognitive Neuroscience of attention and perception research line, under the supervision of Dr. Judith Domínguez Borrás. My current research interests, mainly focus on emotion effects on attention and perception. In this study, I will investigate the neural pathways for auditory emotion processing in the amygdala, using different neuroimaging techniques and specifically, fMRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography.