Last Tuesday July 30th, 2019, at 11:00 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona, Fran López-Caballero defended his thesis entitled: Evoked and induced activity in the auditory nervous system: deviance detection and brainwave entrainment. The thesis was supervised by Dr. Carles Escera, head of Brainlab, and carried out in part in collaboration […]
Open Position at the Brainlab: Early Stage Reseacher (FPI contract) in neurocognitive development
The Brainlab is seeking for a highly motivated Early Stage Resarcher (ESR; PhD student) to join our research group and the project entitled The Frequency-Following Response (FFR) in newborns and its role as a potential biomarker for neurocognitive development, (PGC2018-094765-B-I00), financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science. The positions is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science […]
Open Position at the Brainlab: Early Stage Reseacher ERC Advanced Grant Artsoundscapes
The Brainlab is seeking for a highly motivated Early Stage Resarcher (ESR; PhD student) to join our research group and the ERC Advanced Grant project ARTSOUNDSCAPES: The The sound of special places: exploring rock art soundscapes and the sacred (awarded to Prof. Margarita Díaz-Andreu, panel SH6). In this fascinating project, we aimed at demonstrating that soundscapes […]
Open Position at the Brainlab: Laboratory Technician
The Brainlab is seeking for a highly motivated and skilled laboratory technician to join our research group and to develop cutting-edge methodologies to analyze the EEG signal. The position is supported by the Maria de Maeztu Excellence Programme awarded to the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Barcelona, to which the Brainlab belongs. Through […]
El Brainlab participa en la V Festa de la Ciència UB / The Brainlab joins the V Festa de la Ciència UB
El proper divendres 17 de maig del 2019, la Universitat de Barcelona celebra la V Festa de la Ciència. A la seu central de la Universitat s’organitzaran tallers, jocs i demostracions científiques amb les quals es pretén apropar la ciència a tots els públics i demostrar com és present en totes les àrees de la […]
Jose Valenzuela joins the Brainlab to launch our role in the Artsoundscapes ERC Advanced project
We are very pleased to welcome back Jose Valenzuela, PhD, to our Brainlab team. Jose used to work early in his career as laboratory engineer with us (2008-2011). He is an electronic and automatics engineer, with a Master’s in Biomedical Engineering, and MBA, a Master’s in Literacy Creation and a PhD degree in Humanities from […]
Congratulations to Natàlia Gorina-Careta for her recent PhD degree
Last Monday January 28th, 2019, at 11:00 at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona, Natàlia Gorina-Careta defended her thesis entitled Contribution of the subcortical auditory pathway to the perception and processing of sounds. The thesis was supervised by Dr. Carles Escera, head of Brainlab, and carried out in part in collaboration with […]
A new paper by Ribas-Prats and colleagues published online in Hearing Research
The paper entitled The frequency-following response (FFR) to speech stimuli: a normative dataset in healthy newborns, by Ribas-Prats, Almeida, Costa-Faidella, Plana, Corral, Gómez-Roig, & Escera has just been published in the journal Hearing Research. This is the first paper that comes out from the collaboration between our Brainlab at the University of Barcelona and the […]
Would you like to join the Brainlab for your PhD?
You can now apply for an INPhINIT doctoral fellowship! The Institute of Neurosciences is a Maria de Maeztu excellence center and you can join us both under the Incoming and Retaining modalities. You can find our project for the Incoming modality in the finder searching by project title: “Temporal coding in the neural representation of auditory […]
A new paper by Cacciaglia and colleagues published in Neuroimage
The paper entitled Auditory predictions shape the neural responses to stimulus repetition and sensory change, by Cacciaglia, Costa-Faidella, Zarnowiec, Grimm, & Escera has just been published in the journal Neuroimage. In this functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) study, we used a so-called “roving standard paradigm” to show a) that deviance-related activation in superior temporal gyrus […]