
News section, which is updated regularly and shows relevant new events from the lab

The Brainlab participates in a Special Report on the COVID-19 pandemic impact on clinical EEG and research

Driven by the necessity to resume experimental, but critically clinical EEG activities after the global lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, an international consortium of over 30 laboratories run a survey on the impact of the pandemic on their routine EEG activities, and the procedures and precautions undertaken to resume their EEG work. The outcome of […]

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Comienza un nuevo experimento

Midiendo las emociones evocadas por la acústica de ambientes sonoros especiales ¿Hasta qué punto la música se escribe para el espacio y el contexto donde va a ser interpretada? ¿Alguna vez has pensado que los compositores escriben música aprovechando la acústica de determinados espacios? Mediante este experimento estudiamos si esta relación canción-lugar tiene algún efecto […]

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A new paper by López-Caballero and colleagues published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

The paper entitled Effects of cTBS on the Frequency-Following Response and other auditory evoked potentials, by López-Caballero, Martin-Trias, Ribas-Prats, Gorina-Careta, Bartrés-Faz, and Escera, has been published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. This paper is the outcome of a scientific collaboration between the Brainlab and the Brain Stimulation Lab, lead by Prof. David Bartrés-Faz […]

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Congratulations to Vittoria Spinosa for her recent PhD degree

Last Monday December 16th, 2019, at 10:00 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona, Vittoria Spinosa defended her thesis entitled Motor-auditory interaction: a window towards associative and predictive processing. The thesis was jointly supervised by Dr. Iria SanMiguel and Dr. Carles Escera, and carried out in part in collaboration with Dr. János Horváath, Institute of Cognitive […]

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Good luck, Paco

After twelve exact years (from 11/27/2007 to 11/27/2019) with us, our beloved lab manager, Francisco Javier Díaz Santaella –Paco, left the Brainlab. He is heading towards Málaga, south in Spain, where he hopes to find a better life. We wish him the best for his new life, and will keep him in the deepest of […]

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Comienza un nuevo experimento

Experimento sobre predicción sensorial de sonidos autogenerados ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué no puedes hacerte cosquillas a ti mismo? ¿O por qué algunas personas se sienten confusas cuando una frase no termina cómo ellos patata? ¡Pues el BrainLab investiga sobre eso, y necesitamos voluntarios para un experimento! Nuestro objetivo es entender qué sucede en […]

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We are happy to announce that two papers from the Brainlab have been published in the Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience

Last August 2019, two papers authored by the Brainlab were published in the new edition of the Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience: In the paper: Escera, C. and Gorina-Careta, N. (2019). Auditory brainstem responses. In: Jaeger D., Jung R. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience: SpringerReference. Springer Science+Business Media, part of Springer Nature 2019. DOI:, que present a […]

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We are pleased to welcome Dr. Amineh Koravand (University of Ottawa, Canada) for a six months lab visit with us

We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Amineh Koravand (University of Ottawa, Canada) for her six months visit at our Brainlab. Dr Amineh Koravand is an associate professor and neuro-audiologist in the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology program at the University of Ottawa. Prof. Koravand’s research deals with the relationship between the peripheral and central auditory systems […]

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