
News section, which is updated regularly and shows relevant new events from the lab

Carles Escera receives the prestigious ICREA Acadèmia award

The ICREA Acadèmia award was launched in 2008 by the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) to distinguish scholars of the Catalan university system and in support of their expanding research programs. The support is for five years in which the awardee involves in research activities in an almost full-time basis. Since its […]

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Comienza un nuevo experimento

Experimento de memoria secuencial con registro de EEG y EyeTracking ¡Necesitamos participantes para un experimento! Nuestro objetivo es estudiar la memoria secuencial para estímulos auditivos bajo ciertas condiciones. Te pediremos que realices una tarea de memoria auditiva muy sencilla frente a una pantalla mientras registramos la dilatación de tu pupila con un EyeTracker y tu […]

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Women in Neuroscience Virtual Symposium

Neuroscience is a girl’s thing, but not a woman’s (yet)   There is a tendency to think that the gap between the number of men and women in science is already closing; however, the statistics provide us with data that indicate the opposite. In fact, nowadays, discrimination and bias against women scientists is more subtle […]

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Encuesta sobre preferencias musicales

¡Comienza una nueva encuesta! Encuesta sobre preferencias musicales. El objetivo de esta encuesta es conocer las preferencias musicales de la población de entre 18 y 35 años de edad. Los resultados de este estudio serán analizados por los miembros del proyecto interdisciplinar Artsoundscapes, dirigido por la Dra. Margarita Díaz-Andreu y financiado por el Consejo Europeo […]

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A new paper by Valenzuela and colleagues published in Frontiers in Psychology

The paper entitled Psychology meets archaeology: psychoarchaeoacoustics for understanding ancient minds and their relation to the sacred, by Valenzuela, Díaz-Andreu, and Escera, has been published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. This paper is the first outcome of our collaboration with archaeologist Prof. Margarita Díaz-Andreu, ICREA Research Professor at our University (Department of History and […]

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Comienza un nuevo experimento

Experimento sobre asociación genética en la codificación cerebral del sonido Probablemente te has dado cuenta de que algunas personas tienen más facilidades que otras para aprender y reproducir nuevos idiomas, o que algunos tienen mejor “oído musical” que otros. Estas diferencias entre personas se pueden deber a muchos factores, entre ellos, los factores genéticos. Esto […]

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A figure from our paper selected for the cover of the Hearing Research special issue on predictive coding

Figure 6 of our paper by Font-Alaminos and colleagues (see our former post here) was selected for the cover of the special issue entitled Stimulus-specific adaptation, MMN and predicting coding, edited by R. Auksztulewicz and M.S. Malmierca in Hearing Research. The Figure illustrates the frequency-following response (FFR) scalp distributions of the A) deviant B) standard and C) […]

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The Brainlab participates in a Special Report on the COVID-19 pandemic impact on clinical EEG and research

Driven by the necessity to resume experimental, but critically clinical EEG activities after the global lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, an international consortium of over 30 laboratories run a survey on the impact of the pandemic on their routine EEG activities, and the procedures and precautions undertaken to resume their EEG work. The outcome of […]

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Comienza un nuevo experimento

Midiendo las emociones evocadas por la acústica de ambientes sonoros especiales ¿Hasta qué punto la música se escribe para el espacio y el contexto donde va a ser interpretada? ¿Alguna vez has pensado que los compositores escriben música aprovechando la acústica de determinados espacios? Mediante este experimento estudiamos si esta relación canción-lugar tiene algún efecto […]

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A new paper by López-Caballero and colleagues published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

The paper entitled Effects of cTBS on the Frequency-Following Response and other auditory evoked potentials, by López-Caballero, Martin-Trias, Ribas-Prats, Gorina-Careta, Bartrés-Faz, and Escera, has been published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. This paper is the outcome of a scientific collaboration between the Brainlab and the Brain Stimulation Lab, lead by Prof. David Bartrés-Faz […]

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