Congratulations to Brainlab members Natàlia Gorina-Careta, Siham Ijjou-Kadiri and Stefanie Sturm on their winning of several awards for their contributions to the congress. The International Multi-Brain Barcelona Congress – Healthy, Pathological and Artificial Brain, was a scientific international event organized by the María de Maeztu Excellence Unit Institute of Neuroscience of the University of Barcelona (UBneuro) held at the Faculty of Medicine on November 9-10, 2022.
The congress had its focus on three major topics: Neurodevelopment, Aging in healthy and pathological brain, and Neurotechnologies, and featured invited talks, flash talks (8 min), poster presentations and a keynote speech by Prof. Rafael Yuste, Columbia University (New York, USA). Brainlab contributions were mostly on Neurodevelopment (a flash talk, several posters, and a collaborative invited talk) and Neurotechnologies (flash talk).
The Congress featured four different awards, three of them given to Brainlab fellows:
Dr. Natàlia Gorina-Careta, best flash talk award by her presentation entitled Effects of a bilingual fetal acoustic environment on the neural sound encoding of newborns.
Siham Ijjou-Kadiri, best poster award to her contribution entitled Unraveling the anatomical basis of the neonatal frequency-following response: a combined MRI-EEG study.
Stefanie Sturm, best poster award for her contribution entitled EyeSound: Neural signagures of memory gain through active exploration in an oculomotor-auditory learning task.
Other Brainlab oral contributions (on its own or in collaboration) were:
the invited talk by Dr. Miram Pérez-Cruz entitled Neurosonography and brain electrophysiology in fetal neurodevelopment, and
the flash talk by Dr. Jose Valenzuela entitled A Convolutional Neural Network approach for auditory stimuli classification from the frequency following response.
We are a dream team!