Barcelona Brain Stimulation Lab

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The BBSLab is a research laboratory linked to the Neuropsychology Research Group of the University of Barcelona and to the Neuroscience Institute. The general objective of our studies is to better understand the brain stimulation effects on cognitive function and mental health. By brain stimulation, we understand the effects related to participation in cognitive, physical and social or stimulating activities the possibility of modulating (stimulating) brain activity with non-invasive techniques. In this way, our research focuses on better understanding how the cognitive reserve is associated with greater plasticity or cerebral resilience. Our group is involved in projects with an international dimension that investigate whether the modification of adult lifestyles may have a protective effect on the development of neuropsychiatric diseases. Also, our group performs experimental investigations using electrical or magnetic stimulation techniques, in order to better understand the nexuses between the induced changes in the cerebral activity and cognition.


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