Intersections: Art, Institutions, Autonomous Spaces and Activism
Published on 7 de juny de 2023
Art, Institutions, Autonomous Spaces and Activism
BIP Erasmus + Barcelona, June 19 – 23, 2023
Organized and hosted by Department of Visual Arts and Design
– Section for Art and Visual Culture, Profs. Tjaša Kancler and Jacobo Sucari
The BIP Erasmus + program in Barcelona titled Intersections: Art, Institutions, Autonomous Spaces and Activism proposes to reflect on the relationships between autonomous and institutional spaces of contemporary art, taking up some lines of work present at the documenta fifteen and later developed further through the BIP Erasmus + program at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Vienna.
The aim is to locate the points of tension, conflicts and contradictions as well as the transformative potentialities in the articulation of micro/political collective artistic practices. In opposition to the systemic capitalist tendencies of individualization, isolation and fragmentation, we want to address different experiences and artistic practices through which the possibility of un/learning together emerges, which also implies thinking beyond the academic conventions and the dominant art system.