
The registration process is as follows:

1. First, fill in the registration form below.

2. Second, to complete registration you must pay the registration fee by bank transfer or deposit into the account number  2100 3642 12 2200130756  (La Caixa), with the following information added:

Reason for payment: “Full name of participant (registration)”

For: Asepuma2012


The registration fees are the following:

Till 31 May

1 June – 10 July

11 July – 19 July


200 €

250 €

325 €

Non members

250 €

300 €

375 €

Accompanying person

150 €

200 €

275 €


3. Last, send an electronic receipt to using “Full name of participant (registration)” as the subject line, or send a copy of the bank slip by fax to: (+34) 93 403 48 92.



Nombre / Name

Apellidos / Surname


Institución / Institution

Localidad / Locality

País / Country

Teléfono / Phone number

Miembro de Asepuma / Member of Asepuma?

Presenta comunicación / Do you present a paper?

¿Asistirá con acompañante? / Accompanying person?

Por favor indique si tiene planeado asistir a: / Plase indicate if you plan to attend to

Comida primer día / First day meal  Si No

Comida segundo día / Second day meal  Si No

Visita primer día / First day sightseeing  Si No

Visita segunda día / Second day sightseeing  Si No

Cena de clausura / Gala dinner  Si No