
El terme tracking fa referència a l'escurçament o obertura de l'espai entre caràcters aplicat a línies o caixes de text. El tracking varia i s'ajusta subtilment per millorar la llegibilitat del text o per omplir un espai determinat. Per exemple, en textos per sota de 9 pt es pot millorar la llegibilitat aplicant un tracking positiu, mentre que en títols és més adequat l'ús d'un tracking negatiu.



Conceptes relacionats:

Terme referent a l'alteració de l'espai entre caràcters.

Baines, Phil i Haslam, Andrew. Type & Typography. Second Edition. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd, 2005, 131 p. ISBN: 978-1-85669-437-7.

While the line length, which in today’s software is often specified as the width of the text box, is the most obvious use of horizontal space within a page, the subtle relationships between letters and between words should also be considered here. At a basic level these are part of each typeface’s design (see Chapter IV) but there are often good reasons for wanting to adjust either or both of these and software programs allow this. Altering the space between pairs of characters is known as kerning while and adjustment to whole words or paragraphs is tracking; often the terms are used interchangeably. The inter-character spacing can be tightened, or opened out. This should only be used subtly to improve the readability and look of text rather than to make it fill a pre-determinated space. Small type (eg below 9pt) can sometimes be improved by positive tracking; headings or large type are sometimes better with negatives tracking.