
La tipografia Courier va ser dissenyada per Howard Kettler, qui va rebre l'encàrrec d'IBM de dissenyar una tipografia pel seu ús en les màquines d'escriure en la dècada de 1950. Va ser una tipografia estàndard en els guions de Hollywood i en documentació oficial. Al ser una tipografia monoespaiada, és de gran utilitat per alinear columnes de caràcters.



Tipologia serif monoespaiada.

Pao, Imin; Berger, Joshua. 30 Essential Typefaces for a Lifetime. U.S.A: Rockport Publishers, 2006, 213-214 p. ISBN: 1-59253-278-0.

Designed by Howard Kettler Purpose: For tabular, materials, technical, documentation, and word processing For newsletters, reports, and proposals Though the typewriter is no longer synonymous with office culture, the typewriter style font Courier remains a viable typeface for advertisements in the twenty-first century. IMB first commissioned Howard Kettler to design the face for use in typewriters in the 1950s. The Hollywood standard for all screenplays, Courier s digital version recollects the vernacular of the era of the manual typewriter. The font was also the U.S. State Department s standard typeface until January 2004, when it was replaced with Times New Roman. As a monospaced font, Courier has recently found renewed use in the electronic world in situations where columns of characters must be consistently aligned.