Herbert, Lawrence

Lawrence Herbert va treballar com a conseller delegat de Pantone Inc, hi va estar treballant com a controlador de stock des del 1956 fins el 1964, la va  fundar el 1962 i actualment exerceix el càrrec de president de la Junta de l'empresa.
Va ser Director Emèrit de New York City Ballet, Inc. i va rebre el premi Platinum Corporate Legend per Pratt Institute "per les seves destacades contribucions al món del disseny, la moda, art i arquitectura". Actua a la Junta del American Film Institute i ha estat guardonat amb la Medalla d'Honor de la Coalició Ètnica Nacional de les Organitzacions Ellis Island Consell Assessor Cultural de la Ciutat de Nova York  i del Consell d'Estat d'Arts de Nova York.
Ha estat nomenat Honorari Corporatiu per School of American Ballet. També és llicenciat en Hofstra University i ha rebut un doctorat honorari de lletres humanes de la universitat.


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Bloomerang. Lawrence Herbert  [en línia]. Disponible a: <https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/person.asp?personId=73... > [Consulta: 15 de maig de 2018]

Mr. Lawrence Herbert served as Chief Executive Officer of Pantone Inc. Mr. Herbert founded Pantone Inc. in 1962. He served in United States army operations-intelligence (Korea) from 1951 to 1953. He served as Controlling stockholder of Pantone Inc., NY from 1956 to 1964. Mr. Herbert has been Creative force behind developing a variety of color systems which have become the standards for global communication of color in the printing, publishing, packaging, graphic arts, paint, plastics, coatings, computer, film, video, textiles and fashion industries. He served as the Chairman of the Board of Pantone Inc. He serves as a Director Emeritus of New York City Ballet, Inc. Mr. Herbert received the Platinum Corporate Legend Award from Pratt Institute "for his outstanding contributions to the worlds of design, fashion, art and architecture. Mr. Herbert serves on the Board of the American Film Institute and is a substantial supporter of many cultural institutions and health charities. He has received the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations Ellis Island Gold Medal of Honor and was appointed to the City of New York Cultural Advisory Board by Mayor Giuliani and to the New York State Council on the Arts by Governor Pataki. Mr. Herbert has been named the Corporate Honoree by the School of American Ballet. Mr. Herbert holds a BA degree from Hofstra University and has received an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from the university.