
Una característica de les màquines d'escriure és que a tots els caràcters se'ls atribuia la mateixa quantitat d'espai. Aquesta característica va definir l'aspecte de la Courier, una tipografia l'ús de la qual s'associa a documents d'oficina, telegrames així com a documents secrets o classificats del govern. Linotype ofereix la tipografia Courier en dues versions, una disponible en pesos regular, negreta i l'obliqua d'ambdues, i l'altre disponible en regular, medium, negreta i les seves obliqües corresponents.



Tipografia serif monoespaiada.

Linotype [en línia]. <>. [Consulta: 12 maig 2018].

A typical characteristic of older typewriters is that all characters are given the same amount of space regardless of their width. Hence, an i receives just as much room as an m, even though it is much thinner. This principle defined the look of Courier font. A line in this typeface has “holes” in what would otherwise be a homogenous look. Due to its origins, Courier is often associated with office and telegram-like text, as well as “top secret” or government-classified documents. Typewriters have all but disappeared from the office and the practical need for such a typeface with them. Nevertheless, the attractive imperfections of Courier have long been appreciated for their usefulness in design applications. It is therefore often seen in advertisements, especially when the subject deals with messages, telegrams, etc. Linotype offers Courier font in two different versions. First is Courier by Linotype, which is available in Regular and Bold weights, each with obliques. Courier by Linotype’s terminals are rounded. The second version, called simply Courier comes in the following weights: Regular, Medium, and Bold, with optional oblique, Central European, and Cyrillic companions. Courier’s terminals are flat.