Herbert, Lawrence

Lawrence Herbert és el president i director executiu de Pantone®, Inc. Després d'obtenir una llicenciatura en biologia i química a Hofstra University el 1951 es va unir a Pantone el 1956 com a igualador de colors. Va comprar la companyia el 1962 i el 1963 va inventar el Pantone® Matching System®.


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[Hofstra University. About Dr. Lawrence Herbert '51 [en línia]. Disponible a: <https://www.hofstra.edu/academics/colleges/soc/lherbert.html > [Consulta: 15 de maig de 2018]

Lawrence Herbert is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Pantone®, Inc., a firm best known for the universal standards and multinational color language provided by its publications, software, hardware, and related products and services. After earning a Bachelor of Arts in biology and chemistry from Hofstra in 1951, Herbert joined Pantone in 1956 as a color matcher. He bought the company in 1962, and in 1963 invented the world-renowned Pantone® Matching System®, which became the standards for global communication of color in the printing, publishing, packaging, graphic arts, paint, plastics, coatings, computer, film, video, textile and fashion industries.