Lanston, Tolbert

Tolbert Lanston, a fines del siglo XIX, estaba obsesionado en crear una máquina que proporcionara una composición tipográfica automatizada y conservara todos los matices de excelencia en tipografía e impresión fina. Por ello, creó la compañía que creó y fabricó Monotypes durante tres cuartos de siglo. Su sistema Monotype fue el primer concepto digital puesto en uso diario en plantas de composición tipográfica en todo el mundo. El Monotype fue un precursor pionero de la revolución informática en la industria de la composición tipográfica.

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Tolbert Lanston and the Monotype. Tampa Press. Recuperado de:

Tolbert Lanston, at the end of the nineteenth century, was a man obsessed with the idea of creating a machine which would provide automated typesetting yet preserve all the nuances of excellence in typography and fine printing. This also is the story of the man and the company that created and manufactured Monotypes for three-quarters of a century. An American Civil War veteran, Lanston has remained a poorly documented hero of the typographic revolution. His Monotype System was the very first digital concept put into daily use in typesetting plants across the globe. The Monotype was a groundbreaking precursor to the computer revolution in the typesetting industry, though it was introduced over seventy years before computerized typesetting systems were developed.