Lun, Cai

Cai Lun va començar a servir l'emperador amb 15 anys, i va ser promogut per ser el oficial encarregat de la documentació. En aquell temps, els documents estaven escrits en tires de bambú o en seda. Les tires de bambú eren molt pesades i la seda era cara. Per això, va voler trobar un altre material que durés, fos bo per escriure, lleuger i tou.
Va començar els seus experiments amb tot el material natural barat que va poder trobar, com herba seca, lladruc, xarxes i cordes velles. Amb el suport de l'Emperador i l'ajuda de l'imperi, després que molts intents, va inventar el paper.


Conceptes relacionats:

Es diu que va ser el creador del paper, tot i que podria ser que el paper ja existís abans, i ell només hagués innovat noves tècniques.

Jian, L. (2016). Cai Lun, the Creator of Paper: A Story in English and Chinese. Shanghai Press. [en línea]. [consulta: 13/5/2018] Disponibilitat i accés:

Cai Lun was called into the Palace to serve the Emperor at the age of 15. He was smart and studied hard. Soon he was promoted to be an attending official in charge of documentation. At that time, documents were written either on tablets of bamboo strips or on silk. Bamboo strips were heavy and silk were expensive. The Emperor was very unhappy about it. Therefore, Cai Lun was determined to find another durable material that would be good for writing including a light-weight quality with a soft writing surface. Cai Lun began his experiments with all the cheap natural material that he could find such as dry grass, bark, fishnet and old ropes. With the support from the Emperor and the help of the imperial craftsmen, Cai Lun successfully invented "paper" after many attempts. The innovation of paper made it possible to keep records and also paintings.