Màquines dobladores

Es una máquina que se usa principalmente para plegar el papel. Existen diferentes tipos de dobladoras según la manera de plegado, densidad de papel y tamaño, como por ejemplo las que se usan para doblar periódicos, para pliegues en cruz o para sellar el papel, entre otros.


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Folding Machine (s.f). En Wikipedia. Recuperado el 10 de mayo de 2018 de https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folding_machine

A folding machine is a machine used primarily for the folding of paper. Paper can be folded with either a buckle or a knife; thus, there are generally three types of folding machines: buckle folders, knife folders or a combination of these two types. Whilst buckle folding is the more popular of the two methods, knife folding is sometimes preferable. Folding machine models vary in sophistication, with high-end machines capable of processing more complex folding jobs and unusual paper forms (in terms of density and size).[1] Organizations required to undertake mass mail-out campaigns often employ folding machines to improve efficiency.[1]