Carol Twombly

Els dissenys tipogràfics de la Carol Twombly s’inspiren en formes clàssiques del passat, tot i així no ha deixat d’innovar sempre mantenint la seva arrel tradicional. Va ser la primera dona que va guanyar el premi Charles Peignot per la seva gran contribució a la creació de noves tipus. Actualment i després de retirar-se d’Adobe, ha estat explorant arts allunyades de la digitalització i la informàtica.


Subàmbit>altres perquè no hi ha apartat de personatges.
Referència: Carol Twombly. Font type designe ron Adobe. Lugar de publicación: Consulta: 26 de Abril de 2018. Disponibilidad y acceso:

“During her eleven+ years with Adobe, Carol has designed a number of very popular text and display typefaces. Designs like Trajan, Charlemagne, Lithos, and Adobe Caslon are inspired by classic letterforms of the past - from early Greek inscriptions, circa 400 B.C., to William Caslon’s typefaces of the 1700s. Designs like Viva and Nueva explore new territory while maintaining traditional roots. In 1994, she received the Charles Peignot award from the Association Typographique Internationale for outstanding contributions to type design. She was the first woman and only the second American to receive this prestigious honor. Since leaving Adobe, Carol has continued to explore other non-computer-based arts including weaving, natural-object sculpture, silk painting, and making gourd shekeres (hand-held African percussion instrument), with which to accompany her fellow conga players. She lives quietly in a small community in the Sierra foothills, practicing Qi Gong and Afrocuban drumming, hiking, volunteering locally.”