Herbivores, saprovores and natural enemies respond differently to within-field plant characteristics of wheat fields By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:17:37+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Brassica aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) populations are conditioned by climatic variables and parasitism level: a study case of Triangulo Mineiro, Brazil By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:17:03+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Weeds, aphids, and specialist parasitoids and predators benefit differently from organic and conventional cropping of winter cereals By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:56+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més