Associations between plant and pollinator communities under grassland restoration respond mainly to landscape connectivity By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:17:34+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Long-Term Management Affects the Community Composition of Arable Soil Seedbanks By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:17:09+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Both farming practices and landscape characteristics determine the diversity of characteristic and rare arable weeds in organically managed fields By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:17:01+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Which conditions determine the presence of rare weeds in arable fields? By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:17:02+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Responses of rare and common segetal species to wheat competition and fertiliser type and dose By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:17:02+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Herbicide impact on the growth and reproduction of characteristic and rare arable weeds of winter cereal fields By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:57+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més