Spatial distribution of weed diversity within a cereal field By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:57+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Vegetation patterns at the alpine treeline ecotone: the influence of tree cover on abrupt change in species composition of alpine communities By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:49+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Landscape and land-use effects on weed flora in Mediterranean cereal fields By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:49+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
How does agricultural intensification modulate changes in plant community composition? By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:48+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Long-term feasibility of reduced tillage in organic farming By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:43+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Genetic variation in Mediterranean Helichrysum italicum (Asteraceae; Gnaphalieae): do disjunct populations of subsp. microphyllum have a common origin? By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:43+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Shrub-tree interactions and environmental changes drive treeline dynamics in the Subarctic By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:42+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Increased fitness and plasticity of an invasive species in its introduced range: a study using Senecio pterophorus By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:33+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Aphids and their natural enemies are differently affected by habitat features at local and landscape scales By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:36+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més
Effects of agricultural intensification on plant diversity in Mediterranean dryland cereal fields By Agroecology|2019-10-28T17:16:34+01:00octubre 25th, 2019| Llegeix més