F. Xavier Sans és catedràtic de botànica al Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals de la Universitat de Barcelona i dirigeix el grup de recerca en Agroecologia. Ha estat el coordinador de diversos projectes nacionals sobre els efectes de la intensificació agrícola sobre la qualitat del sòl i la flora en els cultius herbacis extensius de secà mitjançant la comparació de sistemes agrícoles ecològics i convencionals, centrant-se en les pràctiques agrícoles, la producció de cultius i el paper funcional de la biodiversitat que proporciona serveis ecosistèmics. Actualment coordina un projecte nacional i un de regional sobre agricultura ecològica i participa en els projectes de la Unió Europea “EcoStack-Stacking of ecosystem services: mechanisms and interactions for optimal crop protection, pollination enhancement, and productivity-“, coordinant el paquet de treball sobre grups d’actors i interaccions d’actors per el co-disseny de pràctiques i innovació, i “ConServeTerra-Overcoming the physical and mental barriers for upscaling Conservation Agriculture in the Mediterranean-“. Des del 1999 coordina el primer màster sobre agricultura ecològica (màster propi de la UB) a Espanya i un dels primers a nivell mundial. F. Xavier Sans ha publicat més de 100 articles en revistes científiques internacionals i nacionals, la majoria incloses al Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Els resultats de la investigació també s’han presentat a conferències i tallers nacionals i internacionals. Els informes tècnics, seminaris, articles de divulgació, conferències i cursos han permès difondre els resultats de la investigació a les parts interessades i als responsables polítics a Espanya. La relació amb el Departament d’Agricultura de Catalunya, l’Associació Agroecològica de Gallecs i el Consorci del Parc de l’Espai d’Interès Natural de Gallecs, una zona agrícola periurbana propera a Barcelona, mitjançant acords i contractes, ha permès organitzar nombrosos seminaris i “jornades de portes obertes” de camp a les finques pilot experimentals i a l’experiment a llarg termini que estem gestionant amb l’objectiu de transferir coneixement als agricultors, permetent-los millorar la gestió i avaluar aquestes millores mitjançant l’ús d’indicadors de sostenibilitat, fàcils d’entendre i utilitzar. Des de l’any 2017 és el director de l’Institut de Recerca en Biodiversitat de la Universitat de Barcelona.

Dades de contacte

Tel. +34 934 021 439 –  fsans@ub.edu



  1. Nitrogen Utilization in a Cereal-Legume Rotation Managed with Sustainable Agricultural Practices
    Font: Agronomy / 2019 / Volume: 9 / Page: 113 to

    Autors: Diacono, M.; Baldivieso, P.; Sans, F.X.

  2. Energy flows in European organic vegetable systems: Effects of the introduction and management of agroecological service crops
    Font: Energy / 2019 / Volume: 188 / Page: 1 to 10

    Autors: D. Navarro-Miró, I. Iocola, A. Persiani, J.M. Blanco-Moreno, H. Lakkenborg Kristensen, M. Hefner, K. Tamm, I. Bender, H. Védie, K. Willekens, M. Diacono, F. Montemurro, F.X. Sans, S. Canali

  3. Agroecological service crops managed with roller crimper reduce weed density and weed species richness in organic vegetable systems across Europe
    Font: Agronomy for Sustainable Development / 2019 / Volume: 39 / Page: 1 to 13

    Autors: Navarro-Miró, David; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Ciaccia, Corrado; Chamorro, Lourdes; Testani, Elena; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Hefner, Margita; Tamm, Kalvi; Bender, Ingrid; Jakop, Manfred; Bavec, Martina; Védie, Hélène; Lepse, Liga; Canali, Stefano; Sans, F. Xavier

  4. Crop yield, weed infestation and soil fertility responses to contrasted ploughing intensity and manure additions in a Mediterranean organic crop rotation
    Font: SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH / 2018 / Volume: 180 / Page: 10 to 20

    Autors: Baldivieso-Freitas, Paola; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Armengot, Laura; Chamorro, Lourdes; Romanya, Joan; Sans, F. Xavier

  5. Linking species traits to agroecosystem services: a functional analysis of weed communities
    Font: WEED RESEARCH / 2018 / Volume: 58 / Page: 76 to 88

    Autors: Barberi, Paolo; Bocci, G.; Carlesi, S.; Armengot, Laura; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Sans, F. Xavier

  6. Patterns of flower visitor abundance and fruit set in a highly intensified cereal cropping system in a Mediterranean landscape
    Font: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT / 2018 / Volume: 254 / Page: 255 to 263

    Autors: Mendoza-Garcia, Marian; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Chamorro, Lourdes; José-Maria, Laura; Sans, F. Xavier

  7. Earthworm abundance response to conservation agriculture practices in organic arable farming under Mediterranean climate
    Font: PEDOBIOLOGIA / 2018 / Volume: 66 / Page: 58 to 64

    Autors: Baldivieso-Freitas, Paola; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Gutierrez-Lopez, Monica; Peigne, Josephine; Perez-Ferrer, Alejandro; Trigo-Aza, Dolores; Sans, F. Xavier

  8. Phosphorus mobilization in low-P arable soils may involve soil organic C depletion
    Font: SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY / 2017 / Volume: 113 / Page: 250 to 259

    Autors: Romanya, Joan; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Sans, F. Xavier

  9. Long-Term Management Affects the Community Composition of Arable Soil Seedbanks
    Font: WEED SCIENCE / 2017 / Volume: 65 / Page: 73 to 82

    Autors: Rotches-Ribalta, Roser; Armengot, Laura; Mäder, Paul; Mayer, Jochen; Sans, F. Xavier

  10. Responses of rare and common segetal species to wheat competition and fertiliser type and dose
    Font: WEED RESEARCH / 2016 / Volume: 56 / Page: 114 to 123

    Autors: Rotches-Ribalta, Roser; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Armengot, Laura; Sans, F. Xavier

  11. Arable weed decline in Northeast Spain: Does organic farming recover functional biodiversity?
    Font: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT / 2016 / Volume: 223 / Page: 1 to 9

    Autors: Chamorro, Lourdes; Masalles, Ramon M.; Sans, F. Xavier

  12. How organic farmers practice conservation agriculture in Europe
    Font: RENEWABLE AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SYSTEMS / 2016 / Volume: 31 / Page: 72 to 85

    Autors: Peigne, Josephine; Casagrande, Marion; Payet, Vincent; David, Christophe; Sans, F. Xavier; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Cooper, Julia; Gascoyne, Kate; Antichi, Daniele; Barberi, Paolo; Bigongiali, Federica; Surboeck, Andreas; Kranzler, Andreas; Beeckman, Annelies; Willekens, Koen; Luik, Anne; Matt, Darja; Grosse, Meike; Hess, Juergen; Clerc, Maurice; Dierauer, Hansueli; Mäder, Paul

  13. Tillage as a driver of change in weed communities: a functional perspective
    Font: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT / 2016 / Volume: 222 / Page: 276 to 285

    Autors: Armengot, Laura; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Barberi, P.; Bocci, G.; Carlesi, S.; Aendekerk, R.; Berner, Alfred; Celette, F.; Grosse, Meike; Huiting, H.; Kranzler, Andreas; Luik, Anne; Mäder, Paul; Peigne, Josephine; Stoll, E.; Delfosse, P.; Sukkel, W.; Surboeck, Andreas; Westaway, S.; Sans, F. Xavier

  14. Organic farmers’ motivations and challenges for adopting conservation agriculture in Europe.
    Font: Organic Agriculture / 2016 / Volume: 6 / Page: 281 to 295

    Autors: Casagrande, Marion; Peigne, Josephine; Payet, Vincent; Mäder, Paul; Sans, F. Xavier; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Antichi, Daniele; Barberi, Paolo; Beeckman, Annelies; Bigongiali, Federica; Cooper, Julia; Dierauer, Hansueli; Gascoyne, Kate; Grosse, Meike; Hess, Juergen; Kranzler, Andreas; Luik, Anne; Peetsmann, E.; Surboeck, Andreas; Willekens, Koen; David, Christophe

  15. Herbivores, saprovores and natural enemies respond differently to within-field plant characteristics of wheat fields
    Font: JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION / 2016 / Volume: 20 / Page: 467 to 476

    Autors: Caballero-Lopez, Berta; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Pujade-Villar, Juli; Ventura, Daniel; Sanchez-Espigares, Josep A.; Sans, F. Xavier

  16. Harnessing the biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland
    Font: DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS / 2015 / Volume: 21 / Page: 722 to 730

    Autors: Sutcliffe, Laura M. E.; Batary, Peter; Kormann, Urs; Baldi, Andras; Dicks, Lynn V.; Herzon, Irina; Kleijn, David; Tryjanowski, Piotr; Apostolova, Iva; Arlettaz, Raphael; Aunins, Ainars; Aviron, Stephanie; Balezentiene, Ligita; Fischer, Christina; Halada, Lubos; Hartel, Tibor; Helm, Aveliina; Hristov, Iordan; Jelaska, Sven D.; Kaligaric, Mitja; Kamp, Johannes; Klimek, Sebastian; Koorberg, Pille; Kostiukova, Jarmila; Kovacs-Hostyanszki, Aniko; Kuemmerle, Tobias; Leuschner, Christoph; Lindborg, Regina; Loos, Jacqueline; Maccherini, Simona; Marja, Riho; Mathe, Orsolya; Paulini, Inge; Proenca, Vania; Rey-Benayas, Jose; Sans, F. Xavier; Seifert, Charlotte; Stalenga, Jaroslaw; Timaeus, Johannes; Toeroek, Peter; van Swaay, Chris; Viik, Eneli; Tscharntke, Teja

  17. Which conditions determine the presence of rare weeds in arable fields?
    Font: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT / 2015 / Volume: 203 / Page: 55 to 61

    Autors: Rotches-Ribalta, Roser; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Armengot, Laura; José-Maria, Laura; Sans, F. Xavier

  18. Both farming practices and landscape characteristics determine the diversity of characteristic and rare arable weeds in organically managed fields
    Font: APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE / 2015 / Volume: 18 / Page: 423 to 431

    Autors: Rotches-Ribalta, Roser; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Armengot, Laura; Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier

  19. Herbicide impact on the growth and reproduction of characteristic and rare arable weeds of winter cereal fields
    Font: ECOTOXICOLOGY / 2015 / Volume: 24 / Page: 991 to 1003

    Autors: Rotches-Ribalta, Roser; Boutin, Celine; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Carpenter, David; Sans, F. Xavier

  20. Long-term feasibility of reduced tillage in organic farming
    Font: AGRONOMY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / 2015 / Volume: 35 / Page: 339 to 346

    Autors: Armengot, Laura; Berner, Alfred; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Mäder, Paul; Sans, F. Xavier

  21. La intensificación agrícola y la diversidad vegetal en los sistemas cerealistas de secano Mediterráneos: implicaciones para la conservación. Agricultural intensification and plant diversity in Mediterranean dryland cereal fields: implications for conservation.
    Font: Ecosistemas / 2013 / Volume: 22 / Page: 30 to 35

    Autors: Sans, F. Xavier; Armengot, Laura; Bassa, Montserrat; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Caballero-Lopez, Berta; Chamorro, Lourdes; José-Maria, Laura

  22. Weed harrowing in organically grown cereal crops avoids yield losses without reducing weed diversity
    Font: AGRONOMY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / 2013 / Volume: 33 / Page: 405 to 411

    Autors: Armengot, Laura; José-Maria, Laura; Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier

  23. Reduced seed predation after invasion supports enemy release in a broad biogeographical survey
    Font: OECOLOGIA / 2013 / Volume: 173 / Page: 1397 to 1409

    Autors: Castells, Eva; Morante, Maria; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Sans, F. Xavier; Vilatersana, Roser; Blasco-Moreno, Anabel

  24. The conservation of arable weeds at crop edges of barley fields in northeast Spain
    Font: ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY / 2013 / Volume: 163 / Page: 47 to 55

    Autors: José-Maria, Laura; Armengot, Laura; Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier

  25. The ss-diversity of arable weed communities on organic and conventional cereal farms in two contrasting regions
    Font: APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE / 2012 / Volume: 15 / Page: 571 to 579

    Autors: Armengot, Laura; Sans, F. Xavier; Fischer, Christina; Flohre, Andreas; José-Maria, Laura; Tscharntke, Teja; Thies, Carsten

  26. Vegetation patchiness of field boundaries in the Mediterranean region: The effect of farming management and the surrounding landscape analysed at multiple spatial scales
    Font: LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING / 2012 / Volume: 106 / Page: 35 to 43

    Autors: Bassa, Montserrat; Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier

  27. Factors affecting plant species richness in field boundaries in the Mediterranean region
    Font: BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION / 2012 / Volume: 21 / Page: 1101 to 1114

    Autors: Bassa, Montserrat; Chamorro, Lourdes; José-Maria, Laura; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Sans, F. Xavier

  28. Weeds, aphids, and specialist parasitoids and predators benefit differently from organic and conventional cropping of winter cereals
    Font: JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE / 2012 / Volume: 85 / Page: 81 to 88

    Autors: Caballero-Lopez, Berta; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Perez-Hidalgo, Nicolas; Michelena-Saval, Jose M.; Pujade-Villar, Juli; Guerrieri, Emilio; Sanchez-Espigares, Josep A.; Sans, F. Xavier

  29. Aphids and their natural enemies are differently affected by habitat features at local and landscape scales
    Font: BIOLOGICAL CONTROL / 2012 / Volume: 63 / Page: 222 to 229

    Autors: Caballero-Lopez, Berta; Bommarco, Riccardo; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Sans, F. Xavier; Pujade-Villar, Juli; Rundlof, M.; Smith, H. G.

  30. Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks and Nitrogen Mineralization in Organically Managed Soils Amended with Composted Manures
    Font: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY / 2012 / Volume: 41 / Page: 1337 to 1347

    Autors: Romanya, Joan; Arco, Noelia; Sola-Morales, Ignasi; Armengot, Laura; Sans, F. Xavier

  31. Effects of farming management and landscape heterogeneity on plant species composition of Mediterranean field boundaries
    Font: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT / 2011 / Volume: 141 / Page: 455 to 460

    Autors: Bassa, Montserrat; Boutin, Celine; Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier

  32. Tillage effects on weed communities in an organic winter wheat-sunflower-spelt cropping sequence
    Font: WEED RESEARCH / 2011 / Volume: 51 / Page: 413 to 421

    Autors: Sans, F. Xavier; Berner, Alfred; Armengot, Laura; Mäder, Paul

  33. Weed seedbanks in arable fields: effects of management practices and surrounding landscape
    Font: WEED RESEARCH / 2011 / Volume: 51 / Page: 631 to 640

    Autors: José-Maria, Laura; Sans, F. Xavier

  34. How does agricultural intensification modulate changes in plant community composition?
    Font: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT / 2011 / Volume: 145 / Page: 77 to 84

    Autors: José-Maria, Laura; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Armengot, Laura; Sans, F. Xavier

  35. Landscape and land-use effects on weed flora in Mediterranean cereal fields
    Font: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT / 2011 / Volume: 142 / Page: 311 to 317

    Autors: Armengot, Laura; José-Maria, Laura; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Romero-Puente, Albert; Sans, F. Xavier

  36. A novel index of land use intensity for organic and conventional farming of Mediterranean cereal fields
    Font: AGRONOMY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / 2011 / Volume: 31 / Page: 699 to 707

    Autors: Armengot, Laura; José-Maria, Laura; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Bassa, Montserrat; Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier

  37. Life-history variation in agricultural and wild populations of Erucastrum nasturtiifolium (Brassicaceae)
    Font: FLORA / 2010 / Volume: 205 / Page: 26 to 36

    Autors: Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier

  38. Effects of agricultural intensification on plant diversity in Mediterranean dryland cereal fields
    Font: JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY / 2010 / Volume: 47 / Page: 832 to 840

    Autors: José-Maria, Laura; Armengot, Laura; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Bassa, Montserrat; Sans, F. Xavier

  39. A functional approach to assessing plant-arthropod interaction in winter wheat
    Font: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT / 2010 / Volume: 137 / Page: 288 to 293

    Autors: Caballero-Lopez, Berta; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Perez-Hidalgo, Nicolas; Pujade-Villar, Juli; Ventura, Daniel; Oliva, F.; Sans, F. Xavier

  40. Spatial distribution of weed diversity within a cereal field
    Font: AGRONOMY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / 2009 / Volume: 29 / Page: 491 to 496

    Autors: Izquierdo, J.; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Chamorro, Lourdes; González-Andújar, José Luis; Sans, F. Xavier

  41. Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) colectados en Montblanquet (Lleida, Cataluña). Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) collected in Montblanquet (Lleida, Cataluña).
    Font: Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología / 2009 / Volume: 33 / Page: 389 to 397

    Autors: Guerrieri, Emilio; Caballero-Lopez, Berta; Sans, F. Xavier; Pujade-Villar, Juli

  42. Palatability to a generalist herbivore, defence and growth of invasive and native Senecio species: testing the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis
    Font: OECOLOGIA / 2009 / Volume: 159 / Page: 95 to 106

    Autors: Cano, Lidia; Escarre, Josep; Vrieling, K.; Sans, F. Xavier

  43. Physiological comparison of alien Senecio inaequidens and S. pterophorus and native S. malacitanus: Implications for invasion
    Font: FLORA / 2009 / Volume: 204 / Page: 445 to 455

    Autors: Garcia-Serrano, Hèctor; Cano, Lidia; Escarre, Josep; Fleck, Isabel; Sans, F. Xavier

  44. Increased fitness and plasticity of an invasive species in its introduced range: a study using Senecio pterophorus
    Font: JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY / 2008 / Volume: 96 / Page: 468 to 476

    Autors: Cano, Lidia; Escarre, Josep; Fleck, Isabel; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Sans, F. Xavier

  45. Modelling within-field spatial variability of crop biomass – weed density relationships using geographically weighted regression
    Font: WEED RESEARCH / 2008 / Volume: 48 / Page: 512 to 522

    Autors: Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Chamorro, Lourdes; Izquierdo, J.; Masalles, Ramon M.; Sans, F. Xavier

  46. Weed diversity in crop edges and inner fields of organic and conventional dryland winter cereal crops in NE Spain
    Font: AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT / 2008 / Volume: 124 / Page: 97 to 104

    Autors: Romero-Puente, Albert; Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier

  47. Assessing the effect of inbreeding and long-distance gene flow on the invasive potential of Senecio pterophorus (Asteraceae)
    Font: AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY / 2008 / Volume: 56 / Page: 539 to 549

    Autors: Cano, Lidia; Escarre, Josep; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Sans, F. Xavier

  48. Interspecific competition between alien and native congeneric species
    Font: ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY / 2007 / Volume: 31 / Page: 69 to 78

    Autors: Garcia-Serrano, Hèctor; Sans, F. Xavier; Escarre, Josep

  49. Factors affecting the invasion success of Senecio inaequidens and S-pterophorus in Mediterranean plant communities
    Font: JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE / 2007 / Volume: 18 / Page: 281 to 288

    Autors: Cano, Lidia; Escarre, Josep; Sans, F. Xavier

  50. A comparative growth analysis between alien invader and native Senecio species with distinct distribution ranges
    Font: ECOSCIENCE / 2005 / Volume: 12 / Page: 35 to 43

    Autors: Garcia-Serrano, Hèctor; Escarre, Josep; Garnier, E; Sans, F. Xavier

  51. Building a background on Botany. Multimedia resources for undergraduate students

    Autors: Gomez-Bolea, A.; Alvaro, I.; Barbero, M.; Bernal, M.; Carreras, J.; Chamorro, Lourdes; Hladun, N.; Llimona, X.; Llistosella, J.; Navarro, P.; Nualart, N.; Sans, F. Xavier; Soriano, I.; Velasco, E.

  52. Factors that limit the emergence and establishment of the related aliens Senecio inaequidens and Senecio pterophorus and the native Senecio malacitanus in Mediterranean climate
    Font: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE BOTANIQUE / 2004 / Volume: 82 / Page: 1346 to 1355

    Autors: Garcia-Serrano, Hèctor; Escarre, Josep; Sans, F. Xavier

  53. Size-dependent reproductive pattern and short-term reproductive cost in Rumex obtusifolius L
    Font: ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY / 2002 / Volume: 23 / Page: 321 to 328

    Autors: Pino, Joan; Sans, F. Xavier; Masalles, Ramon M.

  54. Senecio pterophorus DC., a new alien species in the European mainland
    Font: Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid / 2000 / Volume: 58 / Page: 188 to 189

    Autors: Pino, Joan; Afan, Isabel; Sans, F. Xavier; Gutierrez, Cesar

  55. Persistence of Picris hieracioides populations in old fields: an example of facilitation
    Font: OIKOS / 1998 / Volume: 83 / Page: 283 to 292

    Autors: Sans, F. Xavier; Escarre, Josep; Gorse, V; Lepart, J

  56. Característiques demogràfiques de dues espècies arvenses pròpies de tipus de cultiu diferents. Comparison of demographic attributes of two weeds growing in different crop types.
    Font: Acta Botanica Barcinonensia / 1998 / Volume: / Page: 345 to 362

    Autors: Masalles, Ramon M.; Sans, F. Xavier; Pino, Joan

  57. Demography of the arable weed Diplotaxis erucoides in central Catalonia, Spain

    Autors: Sans, F. Xavier; Masalles, Ramon M.

  58. Contribution to the knowledge of the synanthropic flora of Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula)
    Font: Folia Botanica Miscellanea / 1996 / Volume: 10 / Page: 77 to 84

    Autors: Masalles, Ramon M.; Sans, F. Xavier; Pino, Joan; Chamorro, Lourdes

  59. Weeds of American origin at cultivated sites in Catalonia
    Font: Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid / 1996 / Volume: 54 / Page: 436 to 442

    Autors: Masalles, Ramon M.; Sans, F. Xavier; Pino, Joan

    Font: WEED RESEARCH / 1995 / Volume: 35 / Page: 141 to 148

    Autors: Pino, Joan; Haggar, R. J.; Sans, F. Xavier; Masalles, Ramon M.; Hamilton, R. N. S.

    Font: WEED RESEARCH / 1995 / Volume: 35 / Page: 321 to 332

    Autors: Sans, F. Xavier; Masalles, Ramon M.


    Autors: Sans, F. Xavier; Masalles, Ramon M.

  63. Fruits and seeds production in Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC. under different pollination treatment
    Font: Collectanea Botanica (Barcelona) / 1993 / Volume: 22 / Page: 49 to 54

    Autors: Sans, F. Xavier; Bonet, Andreu

  64. Incidence of tillage on an olive grove weed community
    Font: Folia Botanica Miscellanea / 1992 / Volume: 8 / Page: 215 to 229

    Autors: Sans, F. Xavier; Masalles, Ramon M.

Actes de congressos

  1. Agro-ecological Service Crops with roller crimper termination enhance ground-dwelling predator communities and pest regulation.
    Font: Thunen Report / 2018 / Volume: 54 Vol 1 / Page: 416 to 419

    Autors: Navarro-Miro, David; Caballero-Lopez, Berta; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Perez-Ferrer, Alejandro; Depalo, L.; Masetti, A.; Burgio, G.; Canali, S.; Sans, F. Xavier

  2. Efecto del laboreo mínimo (chisel), la fertilización y los abonos verdes sobre la flora arvense y los rendimientos en una rotación de cultivos de cereales y leguminosas ecológicos. Effects of reduced tillage, fertilization and green manures on the weeds and crop yields in a cereal-legume crop rotation under organic farming.
    Font: XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología, SEMh 2017, Pamplona-Iruna, España, 25-27 octubre, 2017 / 2018 / Volume: / Page: 125 to 130

    Autors: Chamorro, Lourdes; Baldivieso-Freitas, Paola; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Armengot, Laura; Sans, F. Xavier

  3. Los linderos, reservorio de especies arvenses. Field boundaries, reservoirs of weed species.
    Font: Plantas invasoras resistencias a herbicidas y detección de malas hierbas. XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología, La Laguna, Spain, 22-24 November 2011 / 2011 / Volume: / Page: 191 to 194

    Autors: Bassa, Montserrat; Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier

  4. Caracterización de la diversidad de malas hierbas mediante técnicas geoestadísticas. Spatial distribution of weed diversity in a cereal field using geostatistics.
    Font: XII Congresso da Sociedad Española de Malherbología (SEMh), XIX Congresso da Asociacion Latinoamericana de Malezas (ALAM), II Congresso Iberico de Ciencias de las Malezas (IBCM), Herbologia e Biodiversidade numa Agricultura Sustentavel, Lisboa, Portugal, 10 a 13 de Novembro de 2009. Volume 1 and Volume 2 / 2009 / Volume: / Page: 11 to 14

    Autors: Izquierdo, J.; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier; Recasens, J.

  5. The effect of Avena sterilis L. invasion on weed abundance and diversity in conventional and organic cereal fields in the Mediterranean region.
    Font: Cultivating the future based on science. Volume 1: Organic Crop Production. Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Conference in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the Consorzio ModenaBio in Modena, Italy, 18-20 June, 2008 / 2008 / Volume: / Page: 512 to 515

    Autors: Armengot, Laura; José-Maria, Laura; Chamorro, Lourdes; Romero-Puente, Albert; Sans, F. Xavier

  6. Cambios en la diversidad de las comunidades arvenses en los cereales de secano en Cataluña. Changes in weed communities diversity in non-irrigated crops in Catalonia (Spain).
    Font: La malherbología en los nuevos sistemas de producción agraria. XI Congreso SEMh, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain, 7-9 de Noviembre 2007 / 2008 / Volume: / Page: 51 to 55

    Autors: Chamorro, Lourdes; Romero-Puente, Albert; Masalles, Ramon M.; Sans, F. Xavier

  7. Effects of landscape agricultural intensification and management on weed species richness in the edges of dryland cereal fields.
    Font: Cultivating the future based on science. Volume 2: Livestock, socio-economy and cross disciplinary research in organic agriculture. Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Conference in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the Consorzio ModenaBio in Modena, Italy, 18-20 June, 2008 / 2008 / Volume: / Page: 640 to 643

    Autors: Romero-Puente, Albert; Chamorro, Lourdes; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Armengot, Laura; José-Maria, Laura; Sans, F. Xavier

  8. Weed vegetation of organic and conventional dryland cereal fields in the Mediterranean region.
    Font: Researching sustainable systems. Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia (NASAA), Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, 21-23 September, 2005 / 2005 / Volume: / Page: 127 to 130

    Autors: Romero-Puente, Albert; Chamorro, Lourdes; Sans, F. Xavier

  9. Effects of intercropping and fertilization on weed abundance, diversity and resistance to invasion.
    Font: Researching sustainable systems. Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia (NASAA), Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, 21-23 September, 2005 / 2005 / Volume: / Page: 31 to 34

    Autors: Sans, F. Xavier; Altieri, M. A.

  10. Los cultivos herbáceos de las comarcas pirenaicas leridanas: análisis de la flora arvense. Herbaceous crops of the Pyrenean areas of Lerida province: analysis of the weed flora.
    Font: Proceedings of the 1991 meeting of the Spanish Weed Science Society. / 1991 / Volume: / Page: 156 to 159

    Autors: Sans, F. Xavier; Pino, Joan; Masalles, Ramon M.

  11. La vegetation des vergers de la plaine du Segre (Catalogne): II. apercu phytosociologique. Weed vegetation of irrigated orchards in the Segre Plain (Catalonia): II. phytosociological aspect.
    Font: VIIIe Colloque International sur la Biologie, l'Ecologie et la Systematique des Mauvaises Herbes. / 1988 / Volume: / Page: 411 to 417

    Autors: Masalles, Ramon M.; Sans, F. Xavier