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The Research Center ADHUC

ADHUC–Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality

ADHUC–Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat was founded in 2016, following the resolution of the Consell de Govern of the Universitat de Barcelona of June 16. Helena González Fernández is the Director, appointed by the Rector, and Josefina Goberna Tricas is the Secretary.
Its main objective is to promote research on the theorization, practices and cultural representations of gender and sexual diversity in the fields of literature, cinema, the arts, philosophical thought, history and health, from Antiquity to the 21st century. The core of its research is the GRC Creació i pensament de les dones (CiPD), officially recognized in the announcements: SGR2005/00246 (2005-2008), SGR2009/647 (2009-2013) and 2014 SGR 44 (2014-2017). This GRC consists of three Universitat de Barcelona research groups with a long and highly productive trajectory in relation to the number and importance of their scientific activities, distribution and capacity since 1990: the Centre Dona i Literatura-Gènere, sexualitats i crítica de la cultura, the Seminari Filosofia i Gènere, and Tàcita Muta-Grup d’Estudis de Dones i Gènere a l’Antiguitat.

Research Fields

1. To analyze and study from the perspective of gender and sexuality the fields of the Humanities, Social Sciences and Health practices:

  • Multiculturalism and Postcolonialism. Gender and cultural minorities
  • Cultural Studies: Women cultural practices and society/history
  • Gay, Lesbian, Trans and Queer Studies
  •  Bioethical questions

2. To recover and study the texts that highlight the feminine philosophical production since Antiquity, as well as the literary, cinematographic and artistic creation, paying attention to the so-called “peripheral” cultures.

3. To participate in the contemporary scientific debate on feminist theory and the role of gender difference in the construction of the subject and the behavior of the subject in the text:

  • The deconstruction of literary, mediatic and filmic discourses from the perspective of Gender Studies
  • The problematization of the subject in the text and in social and clinical practices

4. To analyze, from the perspective of Gender and Sexuality Studies, specific forms of violence, their historical and symbolic origins, their conception and representation, and their impact on the practices of the healthcare sector.

  • In different periods of History
  • In the tradition of Political philosophy
  • In the philosophical and medical discourse, particularly, from the bioethical and ethical perspective, and the healing practices
  • In cultural discourse, particularly in literature, cinema and the arts.Analysis and revision of the humanities, the social sciences and media from a perspective of gender, race and sexual orientation


ADHUC is a counselor for the Fundació "La Caixa" in their management of the European research network GENDER-NET Plus (ERA-NET Cofund Promoting Gender Equality in H2020 and the ERA) (2018-2019). 

UNESCO Nomenclature

630109 Sociology of literature

630909 Woman's status

631015 Violence

720701 Philosophy of culture

720208 Philosophy of will

Annual Reports

2016  català | english | español


Brief history of the founding groups

Centre Dona i Literatura. Gènere, sexualitats, crítica de la cultura

This centre was founded by Àngels Carabí and Marta Segarra and started its activities in 1990 as the "Seminari de literatura feta per dones" [Women's Literature Seminar], and it was consolidated as a research center recognized by the Instituto de la Mujer in 1994. Marta Segarra was the director between 2003 and 2012, and she was followed by Helena González Fernández between 2013 and 2016, when ADHUC was constituted. It is the headquarters of the UNESCO Chair Women, development and cultures since January 2004, together with the University of Vic. The Centre Dona i Literatura was the main group of the "Xarxa Temàtica Dones i Cultures", renewed in 1999, 2001 and 2004.

Seminari Filosofia i Gènere

This seminar focuses on the thought and production of women philosophers. It was created in November 1990 in the University of Barcelona ​​on the initiative of professors and researchers from the Departments of History of Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture (Faculty of Philosophy) and Greek Philology (Faculty of Philology). Over the years, the Seminari Filosofia i Gènere has maintained a close relationship with the Seminario María Zambrano of the Universitat de Barcelona, directed by Carmen Revilla.

Tàcita Muta. Grup d'Estudis de Dones i Gènere a l'Antiguitat

This study group was created in 1998 by Maria Dolors Molas i Font, with the main goal of developing and promoting scientific and cultural activities related to women's history and archaeology, thus contributing to the dissemination of research work linked to our general and sectoral historical past. Tàcita Muta has organised symposiums about patriarchal violence since 2003.

