Professor of Theory of Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Barcelona. He teaches Theory of Education and Values Education and also participates in the Master of Education for Citizenship and Values. He has participated in the design of educational material on values for primary and secondary education, and recently in a project of Education for Citizenship of the Editorial Text-La Galera. He is the author of works such as “La educación moral en la enseñanza obligatoria” (Horsori, 1995), “La construcción de la personalidad moral” (Paidós, 1996), “Prácticas morales” (Paidós. 2003), “La tarea de educar” (Octaedro 2006) and, in collaboration, “Tutoría” (Alianza Editorial, 2003), Aprendizaje Servicio. Educar pera a la ciudadanía (Octaedro, 2007), Competencia en autonomía e iniciativa personal (Alianza Editorial, 2003) and “Aprendizaje Servicio. Educación y compromiso cívico (Graó2009).